Not the first incident from that say it seems
Wow, that's reassuring.Yes assault on a single person could be nothing compared to what th undercover officer is working on. They regularly observe crimes and can't do anything about it.
Let's consider that they weren't part of the second pursuit. So, if they fell out of the pack, didn't they feel responsible to contact HQ and give them information about the incident??Also is there evidence that any of these off duty offices were at the scene of the assault? They said they were on the ride, but is their evidence the actually were a part of the second pursuit or did they stay with the dude who got ran over?
Yeah. I saw that a couple of days back. Looks like they wanted to close that road for stunts and the Prius guy raised questions.Not the first incident from that say it seems
driving on sidewalks, Running red lights, attacking random cars...... wtf
driving on sidewalks, Running red lights, attacking random cars...... wtf
I saw a biker park his motorcycle on a sidewalk in front of a store, and then when he came out, a traffic cop was there writing a ticket for his illegal parking. The biker has a t shirt on that says, "Does not play well with others". Boy, that really sends the right message when trying to get leniency from the police.... There he was, trying to talk his way out of a ticket, with that shirt was pretty scary to see them drive on the sidewalk and go against traffic,
Imagine coming out of a store and being hit by that --hole.![]()
Also, stop video taping your **** morons. Works really against your guys favour in court.
No, they need to continue taping them. Makes it easier to convict them so they can get butt raped in prison.![]()
convict them so they can get butt raped in prison.![]()
No, they need to continue taping them. Makes it easier to convict them so they can get butt raped in prison.![]()
No, they need to continue taping them. Makes it easier to convict them so they can get butt raped in prison.![]()
No, they need to continue taping them. Makes it easier to convict them so they can get butt raped in prison.![]()