Bioshock: Infinite

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I think Bioshock 2 was good , the problem for me was it was to similar. It felt more like the worse second half to bioshock to me. :lol
This looks awesome so far. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
seriously....holy sh@t!!!!

best graphics on any console
robot horses
murder crows
hints at maybe co-op
combo powers with another character
and a flying winged robot big daddy
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Just watched goooooddd!!!
That was an impressive gameplay sequence. Of course, it won't progress quite as perfectly in the final game unless the player is already familiar with the exact paths to take and items to use.

I'm not ready to say Columbia is quite as unique as Rapture, but it's certainly better than most other game settings.
Game looks amazing. It looks like this game could be even better than the first two which where great. Gives us a great game to look forward to 2012.
That was beautiful and amazing, I had no doubt that this would be something special. Easily one of my most anticipated titles.
I hope they can match Bioshock's soundtrack.

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Looks so awesome!!!!!! I really like Columbia's enviroment and I agree with the statement above, I thinks it's gonna be just as unique a Rapture. My only complaint is the Columbian citizens don't look as creepy or bizzare as those of Rapture. I'm also gonaa miss the Big Daddies.
After watching the all new 10 minutes of gameplay this has moved right up to the top of my list and has instilled faith in that changing the formula can work.