I have all three consoles, and I will say that I may in fact be of a fanboy for the PS3. I wouldn't say I'm a crazy fanboy though. I think everyone is in fact a fanboy for one certain console, but it's truly the extent of holding one console on a pedestal, and how much you're willing to knock down other consoles. They certainly all have their posatives, and all have their negatives. Anywho, here's my take on the consoles, and let's see if I'm more of a fanboy than I think I am. Personally, I think I have good reasons for my posatives and negatives, unlike total fanboys who hate stuff for no good reason.
What I really love about the PS3 is the fact that I use if for so many things other than gaming. And before you ask, yes, I do a good deal of gaming on it as well. I download and watch videos on it, listen to music, look at pictures, and surf the net (though it isn't the fastest and best way to use the net.) I'm also a very big fan of the ways we can customize the XMB layout and background. Using the theme creators can be a bit difficult, but the rewards for the time spent are pretty nice. I really love the XMB a lot. I think it's a good and fast way for organizing content on the HDD. The only real negative about the PS3, to me personally, is the internet. It's a bit slwer at times, but hasn't really bugged me to a big extent. I played COD4 and MGO online, and they worked perfectly for me. My biggest problem is the PSN store. I puts up a fair deal of stuff, but none of it is incredibly interesting. I've never payed to download anything yet, but I'm sure I'll change that when MGO downloads appear.
Now, my thoughts on the 360. It' big strength to me is of course the internet. It's got damn good online. But therein lies my biggest negative for the 360 as well. You pretty much have to pay for freaking everything. It bugs me that you pay a good fee to go online in the first place, yet you still have to pay for even little buddy icons and themes, which PSN provides for free. But that's where Microsoft gets ya. Anywho, I do like the way all of the tabs and blades(?) work. No matter what theme you use, it usually looks pretty snazy and sharp, but as I said before, you gotta pay for it. Also, while some may disagree with me, I personally find the organization methods for watching videos and listening to music a bit difficult. To me, it's a bit of a hastle to get to that stuff. But hey, at least you can listen to the music in games in stuff. Also, was a big fan of achievements back in the day. Over time, I didn't care to much for them. Bragging rights are nice, but it just made things too competetive for me.
Wii... I'm not going to get into that. I like it, but it's a bit too different to compare to the other two consoles.
Anywho, that's my take on them. Obviously, I do prefer the PS3 more than the 360, but I personally find it justified. And before you bring up game selection, I personally like the PS3 games better. I will admit that the 360 lineup is probably better, but the games just aren't my cup of tea more often than not. What all this had to do with the conversations at hand? Little to nothing. I'm jsut trying to say that you can be a fanboy, but you can also be a good fanboy as well, as long as reasons are justified.