Bizarre and awkward photos

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"It is also interesting that this lenticular cloud is hovering over these large fans. It is these large fans that are able to supply a constant flow of air to the cloud."

I may be completely wrong, but those appear to be wind turbines which spin in reaction to the wind blowing against them in order to generate electricity. Is the author telling me that they are actually giant fans that are gently blowing a cool spring breeze across the plains???? I'm no expert, but I think the description may be more bizarre than the event. If anyone has experience with large scale outdoor fans I'd love to hear more about this incredible technology.

Above and beyond the most disturbing family picture I've ever seen. However, having seen it, I now have questions. Is this the best picture taken that day? You know they had to have done a ton of different poses. Do they have a giant version hanging over their fireplace? Is this a yearly tradition? Is their house just wall-to-wall naked family pics?

I'm just going to say this with the posts about it that have been made.
I think there is nothing wrong with the pic above.
I'm sure it was taken for the youngest child to be the centre of attention and i am sure they did something similar for all their other kids.
Everyone's smiling. None of the kids look like they have been forced to do anything. they all look like they are having a whale of a time and to be honest, i can imagine them asking the kids for suggestions on the next family portrait and for the kids to have come up with it.
Just because one family has no shame of their bodies and have taught their kids not to objectify or be ashamed of themselves naked is not a reason for scorn and derision.
It looks like a quirky and sweet pic to me. Anyone who has made posts along the lines of the parents somehow being paedophiles, *you* are the people with paedophilia on your minds, not those parents.
If *you* were raised as though your body and other people's was something to be hidden and never spoken about or seen, it is *you* who have had the problem in your upbringing, not these kids.
I am willing to bet these people are nice and well adjusted, and have their family portraits hanging proudly for each year of their time together, including(As it would seem), when they have new additions to their family.
And good luck to them.
Their whole extended family took this snap during a holiday to Melbourne

Jesuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus :slap :lol

Above and beyond the most disturbing family picture I've ever seen. However, having seen it, I now have questions. Is this the best picture taken that day? You know they had to have done a ton of different poses. Do they have a giant version hanging over their fireplace? Is this a yearly tradition? Is their house just wall-to-wall naked family pics?

you for got the most important bit....WHO took the picture and was he/she naked too?

I'm just going to say this with the posts about it that have been made.
I think there is nothing wrong with the pic above.
I'm sure it was taken for the youngest child to be the centre of attention and i am sure they did something similar for all their other kids.
Everyone's smiling. None of the kids look like they have been forced to do anything. they all look like they are having a whale of a time and to be honest, i can imagine them asking the kids for suggestions on the next family portrait and for the kids to have come up with it.
Just because one family has no shame of their bodies and have taught their kids not to objectify or be ashamed of themselves naked is not a reason for scorn and derision.
It looks like a quirky and sweet pic to me. Anyone who has made posts along the lines of the parents somehow being paedophiles, *you* are the people with paedophilia on your minds, not those parents.
If *you* were raised as though your body and other people's was something to be hidden and never spoken about or seen, it is *you* who have had the problem in your upbringing, not these kids.
I am willing to bet these people are nice and well adjusted, and have their family portraits hanging proudly for each year of their time together, including(As it would seem), when they have new additions to their family.
And good luck to them.

In today's day and age this isn't normal no matter how you try and slice it.
It's a shame you feel that way of course.

I would agree it's a shame that society by and large has made people ashamed to have imperfect bodies.

That being said, I am unaware of a time when toddlers, children and adults all naked and piled on top of each other for studio photographs was considered normal or healthy behavior. :dunno
I'm just going to say this with the posts about it that have been made.
I think there is nothing wrong with the pic above.
I'm sure it was taken for the youngest child to be the centre of attention and i am sure they did something similar for all their other kids.
Everyone's smiling. None of the kids look like they have been forced to do anything. they all look like they are having a whale of a time and to be honest, i can imagine them asking the kids for suggestions on the next family portrait and for the kids to have come up with it.
Just because one family has no shame of their bodies and have taught their kids not to objectify or be ashamed of themselves naked is not a reason for scorn and derision.
It looks like a quirky and sweet pic to me. Anyone who has made posts along the lines of the parents somehow being paedophiles, *you* are the people with paedophilia on your minds, not those parents.
If *you* were raised as though your body and other people's was something to be hidden and never spoken about or seen, it is *you* who have had the problem in your upbringing, not these kids.
I am willing to bet these people are nice and well adjusted, and have their family portraits hanging proudly for each year of their time together, including(As it would seem), when they have new additions to their family.
And good luck to them.

the weird part for me is the one boys junk is resting firmly in his brothers *** crack... and the other boys junk is in his moms....

What your saying Bar in you post i quoted is more about not being ashamed of our naked selves.. 100% agree, however this pic is more on the incest side of things.
A couple doing this is one thing, a whole family is another
In today's day and age this isn't normal no matter how you try and slice it.

Indeed. It's the day and age we live in. Stuff like this is in the news everyday and I'm sure many UK based members have read about all the recent celebrities that have been under investigation/or are now in prison. My wife works in a nursery and has to undergo extensive police checks. I'm sure if they discovered us in this type of picture we'd get locked up.
That's not true.
It's a societal trend towards people being terrified to look in the direction of kids for fear of being labelled a paedophile.
The only people that need fear that are paedophiles themselves.
For the members here with kids, did you have to change your kids diapers? Unless they held it in till they were teenagers, i am guessing you did/do.
You don't get sexually excited because they are your kids.
This picture we are all talking about is not people hanging with a bunch of strange kids and being naked. It's their KIDS.
It's kind of shaming how many of you see it as a bad thing, something to be ridiculed or that there's something seedy going on.
That's not true.
It's a societal trend towards people being terrified to look in the direction of kids for fear of being labelled a paedophile.
The only people that need fear that are paedophiles themselves.
For the members here with kids, did you have to change your kids diapers? Unless they held it in till they were teenagers, i am guessing you did/do.
You don't get sexually excited because they are your kids.
This picture we are all talking about is not people hanging with a bunch of strange kids and being naked. It's their KIDS.
It's kind of shaming how many of you see it as a bad thing, something to be ridiculed or that there's something seedy going on.

Bar you arent seriously saying that changing or bathing a kid is the same thing as the lying naked on top of their mom/brother with their dicks in the respective *** cracks... if they were wearing underwear then thats a bit better. as innocent as it may be its weird as ****