Bizarre and awkward photos

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I have no problem with that portrait either :dunno

It's not a way I'd choose to represent my family, but neither is this:


needs more nudity...

and more child junk wedge in parents but cracks...
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I have no problem with that portrait either :dunno

It's not a way I'd choose to represent my family, but neither is this:


Lol, that kid's face is priceless. Looks like he realized his probable future from being born into that family and that future was terrifying.

this is what id consider quirky... take the clothes off and its creepy...

and if you Seriously (and a really mean seriously) think a family holding guns in a picture is more disturbing then you need your head checked... seriously
View attachment 95979

this is what id consider quirky... take the clothes off and its creepy...

and if you Seriously (and a really mean seriously) think a family holding guns in a picture is more disturbing then you need your head checked... seriously

That's a whole lot of projection going on there LipSmack. I didn't post the family of gun-lovers to demonstrate that it was disturbing - I posted it to highlight that when it comes to self representation, it's different strokes for different folks. I'm not judging either of these families. EITHER of them. A family wants to get nudey and play stacks-on, I can't see the harm in it. The only harm that comes of it is through the projection of one's own association of sexuality with nudity. And, as Yankee pointed out, the instant and wide dissemination of content that the internet now affords means images have to be carefully vetted before publishing them online.

On the question of disturbing, cultural context is important. Many cultures and sub-cultures don't consider nudity in and of itself to be a harmful thing - regardless of where you think the pee-pees and hoo-ha's are in relation to one another in that image. In that context, who are you to judge the general distaste that others should share in observing that scene? It's distasteful and weird to you, and others who share your general aversion to nudity in a family context.

On the other hand, I live in a culture where guns are not normal. The idea of a family posing with firearms is, broadly speaking in my cultural context, weird. But I accept that, judging on how that family is presenting itself with smiles and close physical proximity to one another, they're just a family that collectively loves guns and wants to express themselves as such.

That people should project their own morality onto others who are harming nobody through their actions is weird to me.
That's a whole lot of projection going on there LipSmack. I didn't post the family of gun-lovers to demonstrate that it was disturbing - I posted it to highlight that when it comes to self representation, it's different strokes for different folks. I'm not judging either of these families. EITHER of them. A family wants to get nudey and play stacks-on, I can't see the harm in it. The only harm that comes of it is through the projection of one's own association of sexuality with nudity. And, as Yankee pointed out, the instant and wide dissemination of content that the internet now affords means images have to be carefully vetted before publishing them online.

On the question of disturbing, cultural context is important. Many cultures and sub-cultures don't consider nudity in and of itself to be a harmful thing - regardless of where you think the pee-pees and hoo-ha's are in relation to one another in that image. In that context, who are you to judge the general distaste that others should share in observing that scene? It's distasteful and weird to you, and others who share your general aversion to nudity in a family context.

On the other hand, I live in a culture where guns are not normal. The idea of a family posing with firearms is, broadly speaking in my cultural context, weird. But I accept that, judging on how that family is presenting itself with smiles and close physical proximity to one another, they're just a family that collectively loves guns and wants to express themselves as such. That people should project their own morality onto others who are harming nobody through their actions is weird to me.

View attachment 95979

this is what id consider quirky... take the clothes off and its creepy...

and if you Seriously (and a really mean seriously) think a family holding guns in a picture is more disturbing then you need your head checked... seriously

The clothed version definitely isn't as disturbing as the naked one but I still don't get the stacked pose. It isn't particularly funny and seems like something someone would suggest when they ran out of good ideas.

You know what would be a great naked family photo? The Evolution of Man line-up. At least then their private parts wouldn't be nestled in each other's butt-cracks.

Anyone that thinks the naked pile is ok should go ask their family if they will recreate it--see what their response is.
The clothed version definitely isn't as disturbing as the naked one but I still don't get the stacked pose. It isn't particularly funny and seems like something someone would suggest when they ran out of good ideas.

You know what would be a great naked family photo? The Evolution of Man line-up. At least then their private parts wouldn't be nestled in each other's butt-cracks.

Anyone that thinks the naked pile is ok should go ask their family if they will recreate it--see what their response is.

But nobody is talking about their own family here. I'm not ok with doing that with my family, nudity is not my thing. But I'm not about to impose my values on the family who decided it was ok for them, as plenty of folk here seem to be doing.