Bizarre and awkward photos

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It's kind of shaming how many of you see it as a bad thing, something to be ridiculed or that there's something seedy going on.

It looks like an old photograph. I doubt there would be a photographer in the current day that would take such a photo. I also doubt there's anyone in here who would dare to google for such a thing either.
Nobody sees changing your own kids diapers as a bad thing, that's b/c it's normal and accepted behavior for any/every parent. You're comparing apples and oranges.

Taking studio photographs of everyone naked in a pile on is not normal. The whole idea of getting studio photography done is to share it, and now every image has a good chance of being uploaded to the internet where a world wide audience can view it. Parents who think it would be a good idea to share images of their naked children with the world wide web are likely to be arrested tbh.
Bar you arent seriously saying that changing or bathing a kid is the same thing as the lying naked on top of their mom/brother with their dicks in the respective *** cracks... if they were wearing underwear then thats a bit better. as innocent as it may be its weird as ****

I don't care *what* they do.
And no-one else should either.
You are the one who thought sex is involved.
But i am not trying to argue with people.
You see people lying together in some sordid sexual way.
I see a family posing for a quirky portrait.
I'll take this thread off my watch list.
I don't care *what* they do.
And no-one else should either.
You are the one who thought sex is involved.
But i am not trying to argue with people.
You see people lying together in some sordid sexual way.
I see a family posing for a quirky portrait.
I'll take this thread off my watch list.

yeah my mind goes to that place :lol

so what would you say if they were all standing shoulder to shoulder completely revealed..? thats even more innocent but is considered child porn... but covering up their private parts by burying them in their families *** is fine?
Their whole extended family took this snap during a holiday to Melbourne


The smell must be horrible there.
Barry, no one is saying that people should feel uncomfortable with nudity and sexuality, but I’m sure that there are many other ways for parents to get those messages across. IDK if those kids are even old enough for those kinds of messages, but that’s another story.

And for the record I don't think that being a little pedophilia-phobic makes you a pedophile :lol

There’s no reason for people to NOT think that pic is weird as hell. A naked family pancaking their who-he’s & ha-ha’s together is BEYOND bizarre. Thanks god daddy is on the bottom and not the middle or top otherwise I’d really have a problem with this :lol

On another note, this looks like my kind of party…

Their whole extended family took this snap during a holiday to Melbourne

I get where Bar is coming from, I have no hangups about nudity with my kids, but that picture really is a bit odd.
There's a certain intimacy to being piled up naked that just feels wrong. I'm not saying anything untoward was happening in that family, it's just that I'm sure those kids would be more ashamed of that family portrait than other kids of their family portraits...
as i've mentioned before. them hippies do it. growing up from a nudist environment didn't make any one of them kids sexual predators of some sort.

people are weird. we throw our jabs for SAG. heck, they'd find you funny for wearing them pair of pants.

compare that to the family that seem normal, who deprived their kid from diabetic medication for some HOKEY rationalization and let her die from (diabetic ketoacidosis)DKA. that's a painful way to go. that's not weird. that was just plain stupid.
I have no problem with that portrait either :dunno

It's not a way I'd choose to represent my family, but neither is this:
