How do poor people get so fat?
Government cheese. Do they still hand that out?
Unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy food. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. I personally don't think they should be able to buy junk food, only staples. Milk, eggs, meat, veggies, fruit, etc.
I've seen people get their cereal, milk, eggs, juice with WIC cards, then get their junk food with their state cards (food stamps) then turn around and buy cigarettes and beer with cash.
Moonie, I saw people buy slim jims with their card before. IMO, they shouldn't get any kind of cash. Just vouchers and with their food cards just staples. They also should be limited on how long they can be on it and how many kids it would cover.
But NO ONE in government has the balls to change it. NO ONE!