Premium Format Black Widow

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Re: Black Widow Movie PF

I spoke with Sideshow reps and they said that the Avengers version of BW won't be out for a REALLY long time, if those waiting for the Avengers BW, I wouldn't hold your breath.

I'm not holding my breath...I have my PO in! :yess: :D

Whats the es?

Re: Black Widow Movie PF

An exclusive could be butt ugly and pointless. And some have been. But it's still the EX.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Even if I don't care for the ex version I still get it. Always useful to have if you want to change it up and get rid of a statue. Although as of this moment I have yet to sell any of mine.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Even if I don't care for the ex version I still get it. Always useful to have if you want to change it up and get rid of a statue. Although as of this moment I have yet to sell any of mine.

yup in the same boat. the only time i don't get an EX is for ones with a print being the only thing making it an EX. but this has only happened like once or twice. most stuff that is just a print tend to be non PF items and i dont get many of those any more.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

If I buy direct through Sideshow, which is usually the case, then I buy ex. Even if it is only a print. I normally buy ex just because it's the ex. Sounds lame to some but I know others get me.

That's not to say I don't have some regular edition items. I got my Red Skull for $135 a year ago and that was too cheap to worry about an ex for.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

If I buy direct through Sideshow, which is usually the case, then I buy ex. Even if it is only a print. I normally buy ex just because it's the ex. Sounds lame to some but I know others get me.

That's not to say I don't have some regular edition items. I got my Red Skull for $135 a year ago and that was too cheap to worry about an ex for.

red skull PF for $135!?!?
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

If I buy direct through Sideshow, which is usually the case, then I buy ex. Even if it is only a print. I normally buy ex just because it's the ex. Sounds lame to some but I know others get me.

That's not to say I don't have some regular edition items. I got my Red Skull for $135 a year ago and that was too cheap to worry about an ex for.

I'm the same way, I just prefer the smaller edition sizes and somewhat exclusivity of the EX versions...I'm used to Hot Toys open editions and rereleases so I'm more than happy to have something numbered with Sideshow pieces :yess:
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Not me. I think it may sell out when it ships. But not many people want IM2 BW. We want Avengers.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Not me. I think it may sell out when it ships. But not many people want IM2 BW. We want Avengers.

Yeah that makes sense I guess I just thought since most people here had great things to say about her i figured it was going to sell out faster
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Not me. I think it may sell out when it ships. But not many people want IM2 BW. We want Avengers.

i honestly dont get what the big deal is, so the uniform is a little different, it's still modern movie version of black widow.

If it's not 1/4 scale or something then i can understand, but is a uniform difference really that important, we are not talking about green vs gray hulk here. Just slightly different cloth/hair in two MOVIES of the same character played by the same actress :slap

It will be a very long time before sideshow does another bw pf.



