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Re: Black Widow Movie PF

I beg to differ, If you don't think we're buying all this stuff to satiate our inner-childs I think you need to come to grips with what it is we all buy. It's all childlike, and I love every minute of it.

I didn't know collecting things intended for adults is considered childish.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

I didn't know collecting things intended for adults is considered childish.

Child-like and childish are not exactly the same thing.
adj \ˈchī(-ə)l-dish\
Definition of CHILDISH
: of, relating to, or befitting a child or childhood
a : marked by or suggestive of immaturity and lack of poise <a childish spiteful remark> b : lacking complexity : simple <it's a childish device, but it works> c : deteriorated with age especially in mind : senile
adj \ˈchī(-ə)l(d)-ˌlīk\
Definition of CHILDLIKE
: resembling, suggesting, or appropriate to a child or childhood; especially : marked by innocence, trust, and ingenuousness <childlike delight>
— child·like·ness noun
See childlike defined for English-language learners »
See childlike defined for kids »
Examples of CHILDLIKE

1. a grown woman with a childlike face
2. We gazed at it in childlike wonder.
3. She took a childlike glee in describing every detail.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

I beg to differ, If you don't think we're buying all this stuff to satiate our inner-childs I think you need to come to grips with what it is we all buy. It's all childlike, and I love every minute of it.

How is collecting a statue/PF like this from a character I did not know until recently and only knew as an adult satiating my inner child?

Nevertheless, I admit I buy hot toys figures like Christopher Reeve Superman and Batman and Joker 89 to satiate my inner child but I do not consider this PF satiating my inner child because I just appreciate the artwork and the actress.
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Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Really, collecting giant statues and figures of Comic book and Movie characters...what because of the price? Is that why it's an adult thing to do?

Maybe adult orientated is the wrong word to use. Maybe higher standards is a better word to use. Resin statues or PFs look more like works of art than plastic PVC hot toys do because they are sculpted out of the same material used make statues in fields outside the toy industry.

So it is not a price thing but people that appreciate true art, collect statues because they are not built like toys. By that I mean people that are not into this toy industry collect other statues from other artist and appreciate those works of art from fields other than the toy industry.

I don't know, statues do not look as childish to me as do 1/6 action figures so that is why I probably used that word adult orientated, guess I used the wrong word because like you said collecting comic book and movie characters items is not really an adult thing to do.
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Re: Black Widow Movie PF

How is collecting a statue/PF like this from a character I did not know until recently and only knew as an adult satiating my inner child?

Nevertheless, I admit I buy hot toys figures like Christopher Reeve Superman and Batman and Joker 89 to satiate my inner child but I do not consider this PF satiating my inner child because I just appreciate the artwork and the actress.

Just because you don't know of something until you're an adult doesn't mean it doesn't appeal to your inner child. As a matter of fact companies specifically market to appeal to the inner childs of the adult generation because we are the ones with money.

As you said you like The Reeve Superman and the Keaton Batman/Nicholson Joker, those appease your inner child so why wouldn't a PF of Black Widow from a movie you enjoyed on basic level appeal to your inner child?

It's not a bad thing, believe me I think if I found someone who didn't need to satiate their inner child I'd think that person had a 90% chance of snapping and killing someone.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Maybe adult orientated is the wrong word to use. Maybe higher standards is a better word to use. Resin statues or PFs look more like works of art than plastic PVC hot toys do because they are sculpted out of the same material used make statues in fields outside the toy industry.

So it is not a price thing but people that appreciate true art, collect statues because they are not built like toys. By that I mean people that are not into this toy industry collect other statues from other artist and appreciate those works of art from fields other than the toy industry.

I don't know, statues do not look as childish to me as do 1/6 action figures so that is why I probably used that word adult orientated, guess I used the wrong word because like you said collecting comic book and movie characters items is not really an adult thing to do.

Either way we collect these things because we think they are "cool", resin or plastic. I collect statues as well, but I have no delusions about where my need to buy $400 batman statue comes from.

I mean I also collect original pop art and Replica statues from the classic masters (Michelangelo especially), but as for sideshow, they fill a very specific need.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

anything that requires an extra plastic cup to hold it in place is a fail.

statue for the win!!
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

personally I love still been called a kid the older I get. All this lets me unwind after a long day of been an adult.

I'm a big kid who afford this stuff. 'Nuff said! :yess:

Amen brotha snoop!

Just because you don't know of something until you're an adult doesn't mean it doesn't appeal to your inner child. As a matter of fact companies specifically market to appeal to the inner childs of the adult generation because we are the ones with money.

As you said you like The Reeve Superman and the Keaton Batman/Nicholson Joker, those appease your inner child so why wouldn't a PF of Black Widow from a movie you enjoyed on basic level appeal to your inner child?

It's not a bad thing, believe me I think if I found someone who didn't need to satiate their inner child I'd think that person had a 90% chance of snapping and killing someone.

I know it is not a bad thing to have an inner child, but I am only buying black widow because I appreciate the artwork and think she is hot in real life, not to satiate my inner child. I have never seen Iron man 2 and I wanted this before I saw the avengers, so no I can not see how wanting this satiates my inner child on any level.

I think someone said on here they would buy a statue or PF on here of her if she was eating a bag of potato chips or something, I would do the same thing.