Premium Format Black Widow

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Re: Black Widow Movie PF

i cancelled my joker pf ex, vampirella pf ex and maybe babydoll pf ex too.

Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Don't worry. Once she begins shipping, she will be back in stock. They have a reserve held aside for exchanges. If there aren't as many exchanges that happen, then the reserves are let loose. So it will happen.

I hope so thanks for your support. :)

sorry but that's just not true. Sideshow NEVER take replacement parts from new stock or do exchanges for a new statue. They have a new stock all boxed etc.. for new orders only, and a separate stock (just different parts) for replacements. They will never ship you another new statue as a replacement.

This is directly from their customer service, for one of my statue only way I could get a new one (because the replacement stock was colored differently) was to return the existing statue for a full refund, then get the cs to place another new order for me. Even he acknowledged it's rather stupid as oppose to just ship me a new one, but said that's the only way to do it within their process.

but i expect some cancellations given all the new statues coming out, so you will probably get converted. I know i was surprised when my cap pf ex converted... (after i already ordered a reg version :slap )

Yes well I hope there are some cancellations then. :pray:
Re: Black Widow Movie PF


Your comment doesn't surprise me. I figured you wouldn't be able to answer the question anyway without saying something ridiculous.

heh what you want me to say? the customer service told me flat out that's the case. Maybe they changed the policy after your john wayne statue, but why dont you try to get them to ship you a new one instead of a replacement part on any of the statues released now. See what happens.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

heh what you want me to say? the customer service told me flat out that's the case. Maybe they changed the policy after your john wayne statue, but why dont you try to get them to ship you a new one instead of a replacement part on any of the statues released now. See what happens.

I already did. I got a full replacement on the Anakin Vs. Asajj dio about a year ago.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Who do you think has better likeness the PF or HT?

Re: Black Widow Movie PF

I like the facial expression of the PF. The HT one looks lifeless
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Ok so far everybody prefer the pf including myself, we probably biased because we all prefer statues than dolls :lol

But seriously though don't you think ht black widow especially with the rooted hair looks exactly like doll? What would your wife or your kids think if you dress her up or fix her hair? They probably think you are playing with dolls :lol
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Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Odd question but are the PF's ****s painted as well? I saw that Vampirellas ****s were nicely done. I'm not getting one but curious on how far SS went.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

I think Sideshow's likeness is excellent. Hot Toys' attempt looks lifeless and nothing like ScarJo... :slap