Premium Format Black Widow

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Re: Black Widow Movie PF

I choose the HT version.

Someone post that the Sideshow PF looked like Kim Cattrall from Sex and the City and now I cannot unsee.. :lol
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Odd question but are the PF's ****s painted as well? I saw that Vampirellas ****s were nicely done. I'm not getting one but curious on how far SS went.

Re: Black Widow Movie PF

wtf? what kind of question is that

I'm new to collecting and was looking on evilbay for a Vampirella EX statue. One seller had his Vampirella statues red suit pulled to the side to expose her ****s, which were fully painted. I thought the female statues were just like Barbie dolls not "fully" detailed. I just didn't know if SS did all their female statues like that. :dunno
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Odd question but are the PF's ****s painted as well? I saw that Vampirellas ****s were nicely done. I'm not getting one but curious on how far SS went.

I'm pretty sure they will not be painted. Marvel would never allow for that. Vampirella's not a license of theirs and I guess SSC/Dynamite thought that would be another selling point.

Hey, don't look at me, there are people like that!
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

Who do you think has better likeness the PF or HT?


PF does, I would not even know HTs one was Scarlet if it was not dressed up in a Black Widow costume.

Im liking the PF. Personally. Which is unusual seeing as HT usually knocks it outta the park.

This is because the head sculpt is by Trevor Grove who is the only one sculptor that can compete with the sculptors of hot toys.

I think Sideshow's likeness is excellent. Hot Toys' attempt looks lifeless and nothing like ScarJo... :slap


I choose the HT version.

Someone post that the Sideshow PF looked like Kim Cattrall from Sex and the City and now I cannot unsee.. :lol

WTF? Seriously? I see no resemblance to Kim Cattrall. :huh

Ok so far everybody prefer the pf including myself, we probably biased because we all prefer statues than dolls :lol

But seriously though don't you think ht black widow especially with the rooted hair looks exactly like doll? What would your wife or your kids think if you dress her up or fix her hair? They probably think you are playing with dolls :lol

Yes another reason to prefer it, the hot toys one just looks like a barbie doll. Maybe it would be a different story if the hair was sculpted on the HT's one, I do not know?:dunno

While I do prefer statues other than dolls, the hot toys one will probably be more nicer to look at in the end because the paint job will be better.

Re: Black Widow Movie PF

PF does, I would not even know HTs one was Scarlet if it was not dressed up in a Black Widow costume.

That's exactly what I said on the Hot Toys thread.


Nice Naomi Watts sculpt. :D

Seriously, though, had I been shown this pic out of context...


...I really don't think I would have ever recognized that as Scarlet Johansson. Those eyes look nothing like her, imo.

Appalling and unflattering as this pic below is...


... this sculpt has much more of ScarJo to it, imo.

It just goes to show how people's perceptions can vary, but I honestly think many here are just blinded by how good and beautiful she looks as an overall generic female.

/Braces for 'haters gonna hate' flood.

BUT, 99% of posters over there seem to be ecstatic about her and keep raving about the likeness, so good for them. :)
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

I think the PF and the HT both look good. The HT just captures one of her more serious expressions, which she often had in the movie.
It looks good to me.

That being said, seeing them side by side, I slightly prefer the PF.
They even got the upper lip right. IT's more fuller than the HT. Which is how they should look.

But I'm also biased because I prefer 1/4 scale statues, over 1/6 action figures/dolls.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

That's exactly what I said on the Hot Toys thread.

BUT, 99% of posters over there seem to be ecstatic about her and keep raving about the likeness, so good for them. :)

you cant reason with ht doll lovers...just cant. stay here in the safety of the statue section and keep your sanity.
Re: Black Widow Movie PF

you cant reason with ht doll lovers...just cant. stay here in the safety of the statue section and keep your sanity. :goodpost:

Yes that is very true, HT lovers also think the only difference between hot toys dolls and PFs is that the statue does not show the joints exposed, not the fact that the PFs actually look like real people whereas most hot toys just look like toy dolls.

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