Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface- FULL SPEC- new production paint app pics

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Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I heard this too many times already. :slap :impatient:

Well, you may have, but people expect things too soon.

I have seen the contract that Blitzway have signed and its about 10 more pages than my contarct with Blitzway.

People dont seem to know than with any figure comapny, its not like they are delaying, its 9 times out of 10 the rights holder than is the delay. Back and forth with the rights holder, a slight change needs to be OK'd, its a long procces!

Blitzway have been in China ready to oversee the production run, and its about to be signed off, wasnt going to post as I was right about the reaction, just wanted to reboot this thread!:)
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

As Wai Man said, these things do take time. I spoke with Blitzway last week and they are as, if not more frustrated than the fans/buyers. The licensors have been dragging their heels and BW can't show anymore till it is fully and legally signed off.
It will be soon I'm sure, but soon doesn't mean tomorrow, it might not even mean next week or perhaps even month... but it does mean soon!:peace
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I just hope this figure kick ass and sell out fast so Blitzway can keep producing.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

The thing is, Blitzway screwed up putting out info so soon, there's no point to it if you're a new company with you first product and you talk it up without 100% licensor approval, now you frustrate potential customers before you even put out a product.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

The thing is, Blitzway screwed up putting out info so soon, there's no point to it if you're a new company with you first product and you talk it up without 100% licensor approval, now you frustrate potential customers before you even put out a product.

I know where you are coming from, but I think being a new player they perceived a quicker transition from proto to product. I think they may have learned a valuable lesson.
However, it did cause a buzz, and as anyone working in marketing will tell you, theres no such thing as bad.... well we know the rest.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

The thing is, Blitzway screwed up putting out info so soon, there's no point to it if you're a new company with you first product and you talk it up without 100% licensor approval, now you frustrate potential customers before you even put out a product.

Wasn't the rumour that EB were doing their own version of Scarface? They may end up beating Blitzway to it. Uh, maybe.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

just got word from blitzway and thought sharing with you

We are very sorry about the delay.
We did changed the prototype several times and took lots of time to get final confirmation for the prototype and our website.
We finally got final approval this week and are going to show the final prototype and open our website soon. I promise it won't take long.

Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Guys cut them some lack will you? they are at least SHOWING stuff.

not like Enterbay who tries to steal their thunder the same day and does not mention or show a single damn thing at all.

Plus since Kim is gone from Enterbay it does not even seem like they will be a contender anymore.

Let Blitzway take their time. They have nailed the sculpt, if they drop the ball on quality it will be such a waste. This is their first figure they need time and money to work out the kinks.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

It looks awesome they should make a Al Pacino as Carlito from Carlitos Way and Lefty from Donnie Brasco
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

The suit needs a proper tailoring. Tony looked impeccable, not like he was wearing his bigger brother's clothes!!!
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Having been burned waiting on Triad's Eva to finally be released only for it to have turned into a dog's breakfast, I'm ok with Blitzway taking some time getting it right. At least Triad have a solid fan base to forgive them a stuff-up or two - if Blitzway make a mess of their first figure they're goners.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

But the Eva and Triad flubbing it up should burry them. It was THE thing they were supposed to make right... they have no excuses.

but who's to say it's bad even? Do you own one yourself? I'm going to pick up mine from the post office tomorrow. From the pics ive seen it looks great
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

But the Eva and Triad flubbing it up should burry them. It was THE thing they were supposed to make right... they have no excuses.

but who's to say it's bad even? Do you own one yourself? I'm going to pick up mine from the post office tomorrow. From the pics ive seen it looks great

I cancelled my preorder so no, I don't have one. For me personally - and I say personally - I don't need to own one to see what's wrong with the figure. There's enough that they've done well with the figure to make it a seller - proportions appear solid, HS and paint looks good - but the shiny plastic is a different finish from the matte presented in the protos, the tolerance on the chest plate and other joins is not up to the proto example and the paint on the body is not as detailed.

But the huge deal breaker for me is that if I want the relaxed hands as shown in the proto pics, I don't expect to have to go out and buy these separately because Triad decided to use parts-bin hands instead.

I'm making my call based on comparing what I expected from the proto pics and the pics of the final figure. And a couple of reviews are out there and they are fair, not great. I'd be interested to see what you make of it when it comes - I hope you're happy with it when she arrives:)
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Lejuan I'm a critical bugger and a pic-whore so I will be sure to let you know what I think when I have it in-hand tomorrow!

Shiny plastic is a dissappointment for sure, yu can always give the exposed parts a quick spray of testors dullcoat
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

What he said...Where the pics?

Do you mean pics of Tony? Not sure if there are any beyond those released earlier on, like a couple months ago? I'd love to see what they're doing with the body.