Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface- FULL SPEC- new production paint app pics

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Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I wouldn't say that, I think people are just too impatient and don't want to understand the situation.

We're used to established companies who can turn things around quickly, but this is the first figure from a new company who likely was unprepared for everything involved in putting out a licensesd figure and is now dealing with those things and slown down. We just shouldn't have ever seen a teaser even until they were fully set to put out a figure, but again, newbie mistake.

It's not to say this may never take off, that could happen, but it seems like reactions to the delays are forgetting this isn't from a company who's been in business fpr awhile. Hell, Enterbay has and from what I gather on here, they're notorious for delays.

But it works both ways, them being an unestablished new company may be the exact reason why we may never see this figure.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

But it works both ways, them being an unestablished new company may be the exact reason why we may never see this figure.

I agree, it's not impossible that it won't get made, but the reactions I see from people in here, I think people are expecting the usual Sideshow/Hot Toys/Medicom/whatever process and are quick to assume that because we didn't get that, it automatically means we won't. I'm not surprised it's taking this long, I can't imagine what it's like to get a company in this product range going, maybe most start out without likenesses or doing unlicensed things to break into the industry. I also think Scarface might be a trickier film to start with, anything older for that matter, I'd think you'd be better off with a more modern property that was done in the marketing age.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I don't care when it comes out so long as the final product is close to their proto pics.

It only bothers me when companies release awesome proto pics, take three years to get the product out and it ends up looking rubbish.

If Blitzway gets it right, I'm sure they'll be forgiven for taking a while. If they get it wrong they'll be just about sunk I'd say.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I agree, it's not impossible that it won't get made, but the reactions I see from people in here, I think people are expecting the usual Sideshow/Hot Toys/Medicom/whatever process and are quick to assume that because we didn't get that, it automatically means we won't. I'm not surprised it's taking this long, I can't imagine what it's like to get a company in this product range going, maybe most start out without likenesses or doing unlicensed things to break into the industry. I also think Scarface might be a trickier film to start with, anything older for that matter, I'd think you'd be better off with a more modern property that was done in the marketing age.

A modern theme might be a safer bet but scarface is a very recognizable character throughout the world. You still see lots of scarface t-shirts and posters in the mall.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

A modern theme might be a safer bet but scarface is a very recognizable character throughout the world. You still see lots of scarface t-shirts and posters in the mall.

It's not how marketable the license is, it's how challenging a property to make a licenses figure with Pacino's likeness is, the older properties tend to be more challenging because merchandise wasn't as big a deal before the early 90s.

I just think an easier license to work with would have been good for a first time company.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

It's not how marketable the license is, it's how challenging a property to make a licenses figure with Pacino's likeness is, the older properties tend to be more challenging because merchandise wasn't as big a deal before the early 90s.

I just think an easier license to work with would have been good for a first time company.

I didn't know those nuances....thanks
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

This was posted 3 weeks ago:

We are very sorry about the delay.
We did changed the prototype several times and took lots of time to get final confirmation for the prototype and our website.
We finally got final approval this week and are going to show the final prototype and open our website soon. I promise it won't take long.


How long does it take to take photos of this figure? :(
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

This is my take on things... They post proto pics (which were never realistically going to be achievable) to drum up interest within the community and then present to the licence holders. However they clearly did this half cocked unaware of all the red tape they'd have to get through. Noob mistake.
At the end of the day they don't owe us anything but i'm just gutted that something this potentially cool seems to be in limbo...
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Hoo boy, pity the fool who preordered this guy from an ebay seller :lol
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Don't know what they're planning for a website and all, maybe they'll have direct sales like Sideshow and have to set up the commerce side.

This is their site.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

hope they are also able to get the likeness for Michael Corleone.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I'm not sure if they will because he gave his rights simply to the Scarface brand a few years ago [When the cofuffle about his likeness not being in the Godfather game came about.]
I hope so though.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

This was posted 3 weeks ago:

How long does it take to take photos of this figure? :(
When is that board member going to continue to say, "coming soon...," and prolonging the already delayed protos that have been "coming soon...," for weeks and a month at a time. We want to see such lovely pictures!
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

As Wai Man said, these things do take time. I spoke with Blitzway last week and they are as, if not more frustrated than the fans/buyers. The licensors have been dragging their heels and BW can't show anymore till it is fully and legally signed off.
It will be soon I'm sure, but soon doesn't mean tomorrow, it might not even mean next week or perhaps even month... but it does mean soon!:peace

Last I heard was final approval had been granted by the licensor, so photography is being done as we speak

Last I heard (about a week ago) they had submitted all final designs for approval, we should be on the home straight, I hope.

Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

When is that board member going to continue to say, "coming soon...," and prolonging the already delayed protos that have been "coming soon...," for weeks and a month at a time. We want to see such lovely pictures!

Its coming soon......................:wink1:

You obviously dont know who Wookster is.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Its coming soon......................:wink1:

You obviously dont know who Wookster is.

Who cares who he is...

He is looking like a
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Who cares who he is...

He is looking like a

No, you are the one looking like an ass.

Someone is willing to pass along information from the company to us... and you complain about him? He has no control over when the company releases images.

And as anyone will tell you, ____ takes time. Being an ass about it will not speed up the process.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Ignorant newb :rolleyes:

No, I'm not a lemming who follows some schmuck online that says, "coming soon...," yet fails on almost every attempt. Jeff Parker STINKS! Oh, and his reviews are mediocre at best.

Just give me facts...

Or don't post anything at all.