Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface- FULL SPEC- new production paint app pics

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I think the packaging is fantastic, firstly. The scult is great and the paintwork is close to the proto. Really can't wait for it. I still love my Sideshow Tony's but this is something else completely.
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Blitzway Scarface Final Production Pics BAD FUCKN ASS‬‏[/ame]
Link to Blitzway Scarface video...
All the new pics inside...

Made need a little more time to go live but this is the link...
Yeah, it's highly impressive for a new company and first release. If I didn't know, I would think it was a HT release.
Holy crap this turned out great. Breaker, does Blitzway have any affiliation to Hot Toys? I see many similarities.

I noticed that too... the body looks a lot like HT Bruce Lee, the hand pegs are HT's, even the box and shipper box have very HT-esque look...

Blitzway are mostly ex-HT employees is my understanding. Win for the collectors!
I noticed that too... the body looks a lot like HT Bruce Lee, the hand pegs are HT's, even the box and shipper box have very HT-esque look...

Blitzway are mostly ex-HT employees is my understanding. Win for the collectors!

Well then that must explain it then. Agreed, win/win for us!

Looks great,when will this one be out?

The last I heard was June 15. Can't wait, this really turned out great.