So I got another replacement from PC and opened it last night. Just gave it a quick look over and seems ok. Some small imperfections here and there, but nothing major. I think they will all have something to a degree. There did appear to be a small spot on his cheek, right on the edge of one of the cuts where the paint looks like it may be scratched off (well its a different colour, so I'm assuming that is the case). Isn't really noticeable on display though and if it really bothers me I can easily blend it in with some tamiya powder. I only noticed it by shining a light on his face and closely inspecting for imperfections.
Other than that the rest looks fine. Stands perfectly straight, no other major flaws just a couple of minor imperfections which are expected. One thing I did notice is this one also looks like it has a similar patch up job on the hand like my previous one, although its not noticeable on this one other than a slight change in texture if you look close enough. My previous one was noticeable as there was a difference in colour, and when light was shining on it the surrounding area had the translucent look whereas the spot was flat, which made it stand out. Doesn't appear to be the case on this one and seems to blend in perfectly. It did make me wonder if there was a batch of these with this flaw in the hand and they were patched up (some worse than others).
Either way, I'm not fussed as long as I can't see it, and it looks perfectly fine on this one.
Now I can finally customize this lol.