So now you have no issues with the sculpt? I remember our in depth discussions about how you thought the face looked too fat and like a bull dog. But yeah those eyes are a real let down, so glad this ETD statue is looking sideways.
Yeah I thought it was, but the EB WOD figure1/4 sculpt is not one color but has different shades of flesh tones like more blush.
Why do you think the ETD is not as good as the GOD one?
I would not go as far as stunt double as you can obviously tell it is Bruce Lee when u see the sculpt up close like in the pic below.
However, the GOD sculpt is a bit deformed as the chin appears to protrude too much and face appears too wide and squashy as you see here.
Whereas, the sculpt on this statue does not look deformed as the jaw and face shape seem be in the right proportions.