Super Freak
great shot my freind
.now get rid of those decals..really really letting this thing down.amazing how dimly lit shots makes this so much better,it would look stunning displayed that way(with painted cuts)

great shot my get rid of those decals..really really letting this thing down.amazing how dimly lit shots makes this so much better,it would look stunning displayed that way(with painted cuts)
Thanks brother! and yes, it does display very nicely with LED mood lighting. This is pretty much how I display all of my statues/figures (probably a little lighter though), as it creates a very nice, realistic display that looks museum-like. I just puck-style LED lights mounted above the figure. As they are puck style lights, it creates a spotlight effect, and I just use more pucks if I want to add more lighting.
if/when you do try to see if those decals do lift/come off easy,i'll be very interested in your comments.unless you just intend to repaint them.??
Does this fit in the detolf or will you be getting a custom display base for it?
Haven't tried dude, but looking at it, I think it may fit in there...just, lol. I'll have to give it a go. I did briefly place just Bruce on his own in the Detolf and held him under the lights to see what he'd look like and he looks superb. Lighting makes all the difference for these things
Either way, I won't be putting it in a detolf even if it fits. Will be building a custom display case for this one.
My collection is no longer as you remember it, as I no longer collect figures (only statues now, unless Hot Toys bring out more 1/4 figs).
My Detolfs are pretty much empty and most of my stuff is packed away. I will be getting rid of most of my figures, along with my Detolfs and will display a few statues on their own pedestals.
I'm currently looking for a new house, so once I move out I will have a more permanent display where I'll hopefully have more room.
IThe plan is do build a small home theatre and have the statues displayed on pedestals, museum style along the wall.
At this stage I'm not sure mate. I was intending to just repaint them as the positioning didn't bother me, but after reading all your comments about how innacurate the ones on the stomach are, it's now starting to bother me as wellso I want to move them now so they aren't spaced so far apart. I'm just scared to peel them away in case it damages the paint underneath. Not sure I'm game enough to try lol as I don't have the skills necessary to repair if I mess it up!
Why am I not surprized?
Will it be a glass one?
What about if EB does more to? Do you still have your BD Terminator?
I am surprized that you still havn't got rid of your figures yet but I guess you finally made the first step in that they are packed away.
You will need it if you want to collect items that are 1/4 scale and above.
Don't you have some statues displayed already on pedestals?
It's great to finally get such an accurate photographic retrospective of this piece.
It has just looked s**t for a long time - distorted and largely misrepresented.
These photos have really levelled the playing field.
The base flesh tone looks much better in the new pics today, redder and more tanned.
It definitely gives me more confidence.
Yes, some subtle shading could help delineate the muscle tone and just accentuate that 'ripped' look but I think it wouldn't need much. It would be easy to overcook it and for the body to take on an airbrushed and unnatural appearance. A fine line.
I'm in a similar boat as far as being able to just drop a thousand dollars on a statue. Being extremely picky also creates a somewhat frugal state. I don't have much of a collection to speak of. In a sense I know I will never be 100% happy with any release...usually it has to do with likeness not being perfect..
And I'm not a fan of clutter and I pass on most stuff even if I'd like to have it... the stuff that really gets my attention is something that has significance to me, be it nostalgia or just an iconic aura and is of a very high quality. I've always had a Bruce Lee figure on my radar but have never seen one that has passed my personal criteria. I always had pictured an iconic ETD statue - no seams or arm joints - to become a museum quality centrepiece.
XplOsive's new pics are pushing me very close on this.
I'm thinking that if I pass on this I may well regret it down the line. I just wonder if something of this scale and presence will be produced again in the ETD guise. Perhaps... but will it have a great likeness?
I'm prepared to do some work on the statue because I know I would never be really happy with something straight out of the box anyway...there is always something that bothers you. But more importantly, from my perspective, I feel even slight modifications could bring this to a level that may not be bettered or easily attainable in the future as an iconic ETD representation. Even the pose may end up being lost in time after this has come and is not the expected, extreme fighting stance...there is something very considered and quintessentially Bruce in this subtle cat walk.
Just thinking aloud..
haha you know me! Haven't decided yet. Ideally I'd prefer acrylic as it's much lighter, but it's really expensive (my last quote was around 200 bucks for the acrylic case alone!). I'm gonna get some quotes for glass and see what that costs and compare.
I'm a little bit put off Enterbay to be honest, but I would consider it, depending on what they brought out. It would have to be pretty amazing though. I do have the BD Terminator but I have thought about selling it. I still think it's the best head sculpt ever made and it still wows me to this day, but I just hate the cheapness of Enterbay and their utter lack of quality control. It has really put me off their products.
To be honest it has more to do with laziness than anything else. For a long time I was very disinterested in this hobby. I'd check the forum from time to time, but for the most part I was largely disinterested, thus, my figures sat in my detolf not even displayed properly and I barely even looked at them. Eventually decided to clean my media room out and moved all my empty boxes along with most of my figures into the garage. Only have a couple of statues inside now, but most of those will be going as well until I move into a new place and then I'll set everything up the way I want.
yep lol, I'm only interested in large scale stuff now. Funny thing is, when the GoD statue was announced, I was a bit iffy about ordering it due to the scale as it seemed really obscure and I didn't think I would have any other 1/3 scale pieces. I didn't think 1/3 scale would be popular and didn't think I'd be keen on the scale. Now I have this statue along with Pop Culture Shock's Akuma and Scorpion 1/3 scale statues on order, and also plan to PO their 1/3 scale Sub Zero and Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan 1/3 scale statue lol, so I'll have more 1/3 scale statues than 1/4 LOL.
At the moment I have nothing on display. Everything's packed away except for like 3 statues that aren't really on display as such, the are just sitting on the floor in my movie room. Gonna put them back into boxes as well.
I did make one pedestal and it turned out quite nice and really complimented whatever statue I put on it, but it took up a lot of room and as the room is small, I could really only fit like 3 of those pedestals in it unless I rearranged the room which I wasn't prepared to do, so I didn't bother to make anymore. When I lost interest, I packed everything away and figured if I regained interest I'll just wait until I'm in my new place and set everything up the way I want.
For the time being though I might get myself a glass cabinet and display a couple of statues in it in my current movie room, just so I can display some of this stuff and so it doesn't all sit in the garage lol.
Your shooting is really top notch.
It provides such a different perception of this.
TBH I am struggling to see different shades on the sculpt, maybe some areas look darker than others but can't see any different hues. Man you are the only one on here that owns this that has said the paint job on this is as good as the proto, everyone else has said it's not the proto but it's good. Now I am not saying you are wrong but I highly doubt the paint job on this is as good as the paint job on the proto, the proto looks like a real human being, no matter how good the paint job looks in these pictures, it just doesn't capture that level of realism. Whether this is because the proto was photoshop who knows, but I don't see a realistic paint job when I look at this. Besides you said it yourself, this could due with more shading, specifically around the muscles.
Well you do a good job.