cheers xplosive,mine will be approx. 2mtrs away and about 18'' off the floor,in the case,so it's going to be very well lit by sunlight and normal house lights at night.
I could live with the decals if they were better done and correct front and back.but they are there and it's a live with it or change it thing.
I think all who PO'd this have breathed a sigh of relief seeing your pics,but ''natural'' shots would show a truer appearance if you follow.
trust me I much prefer your ''pro'' shots,but that will no doubt be how you will display this.
I forgot you had a case made for yours. At 2 meters away the decals probably won't bother you, although lots of sunlight in the room can be revealing.You probably won't know until you see it in hand. SAB doesn't seem bothered by them though. I know when I view the statue from 2 metres away under normal room lights, I don't really notice the decals. Haven't seen it from that distance in natural light yet, but I will confirm this weekend. Being the picky Bruce collector you are though, you're probably going to want to fix them anyway lol. I know I do, as I feel it will be the 'icing on the cake' on what is otherwise a really nice statue.
Yeah true, a shame really but looks like it doesn't matter now anyway since they are focusing on their NBA figures.
Yeah seems like it. Haven't seen any 1/4 scale movie figures announced since T1000 (which I saw in person at Pop Cultcha by the way, and it looks very cool).
Yeah but Robo doesn't look like Weller and I doubt Conan will look like Arnie but we will see. Does PCS even have the lisence to sculpt Arnie's likeness?
I personally think it looks like him from what I saw, although haven't paid that much attention to it. It's not as good as Enterbay's though, but Once again, Enterbay's is a nice looking figure that is cheaply made. I would never buy that. I believe they do have the licence for Arnie's likeness as they specifically stated it was going to be a statue of Arnie Conan. I'm pretty confident they can nail the likeness. Jerry himself will be sculpting it I believe (president of PCS), and all his sculpts have been bang on. He did the recent 1/3 Akuma statue that crashed their website on PO day due to the large amounts of traffic

and he absolutely knocked that out of the ball park. I know it's not the same comparison as it's a video game, but I just think he has the sculpting skill necessary to get the job done.
Do you you know where that extra ordinary quote comes from?
You were quoting a post by Tyderium about my photo skills lol.
Yeah I don't know it just looks a lot more realistic than this as does the EB 1/4 WOD figure head sculpt.
Well technically it should as it's the prototype and it was shot in a properly set up studio. I can tell you now if I shot this statue with a proper set up my pics would look even better than they do now, by a fair margin. I have no large lamps to work with, no light diffusers, umbrellas, backdrops, nothing. All I've been using to take these pics is a couple of white LED puck lights that are quite small, with the figure placed on a black table in front of my black feature wall lol.
I personally think it looks fairly realistic in the pics I took. Not just saying that because I took them lol, but I was honestly impressed with how they turned out and it felt it made the statue looked fairly realistic. I showed several non-collector friends including my girlfriend who also agreed. The proto does look better but it also looks like a statue to me in most pics (but still looks quite realistic). Enterbay's sculpts are probably the best in the business. I don't think this has quite Enterbay levels of toning and shading in the sculpt, and I did compare to my T800 sculpt when I first got the statue, but the paintjob is very nice and realistic. Looking at the Enterbay sculpt, the hues are slightly exaggerated, as is the tan, kind of like a photo with the contrast bumped up. Displaying it under LED lights reduces this and makes it look more natural, so it looks best under LED lights, whereas I feel Blitzway's paintjob is a bit more natural looking and looks best displayed in a natural light setting, as strong lighting can wash it out slightly (even with the white LED's as they are fairly bright). This is probably the best way to describe it.
That's good but your pictures are making me regret cancelling this, although my primary reason was money and space. I just thought if it looks this bad then I might as well not go through with it.
No need to regret mate, you can still pick it up if you want to. I don't think you'll miss out on Han's claw as it's included inside the box. It's not a separately packaged item. It would have to be in the box with every statue Pop Cultcha have in stock, I don't see how else it can be done.
I've been trying not to hype this statue too much as I don't want to influence your decision to pick this up, mainly because you seem like you're probably the fussiest and hardest to please guy on here when it comes to this piece. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but opinions differ, and with such strong criticism, I would hate for you to buy this based on my opinion of it only to be let down once you see it in person. Not saying you will be let down, just saying that if it did happen, I would feel kind of guilty since I influenced you to buy it somewhat, lol.
I'm going to be taking some pics in a natural light setting this weekend. Hopefully this will give you the most accurate representation of this statue and will help you make a decision on whether you should buy it or not.
so steve your not (going to join us)see what I did there

,you can still further down the line,if you can see this inhand and your feelings on it improve buy it,i don't think missing hans hand is a big loss you could always part with GOD if you really like this..even with my issues the cost of this was ''the cheapest 1/3 BL ever''.I will try and sort those cuts out,they are letting this down badly,the sweat is hit and miss also.
other than that he looks good and looking forward to the next 3 weeks or so.
Han's claw is included inside the box. There is actually a spot for it in the Styrofoam. I'd imagine any retailer that ordered these off Blitzway would have had to receive it with each statue. Either way, even if one were to miss out, it's not a big deal IMO. It's really nothing special. Just a neat little extra but if mine didn't have it I wouldn't really care TBH.
step away from the camera and get some sleep my freind

Haha I know, I really need to get off these forums and step away from the camera for a couple of days lol. Going to take the shots you guys asked for and call it a night I think.
I suppose regarding natural/normal lighting conditions this video (for now) shows the statue appearing at it's everyday look.
To be honest that's not what I see in real life, so I don't think that's an accurate representation of it. Looks quite pale and flat in that video. Will see how my photos in natural light turn out and whether they give a better indication of what it looks like in real life. I might try take a video as well and see how that turns out.