Your shooting is really top notch.
It provides such a different perception of this.
Thank you so much mate, the compliments mean a lot

I do enjoy taking these pics so the compliments and appreciation make it worthwile.
I always did suspect that this piece looked so bad in early shots due to the photography, and had a feeling it might look a lot better in person, and even better with some decent photography, just going by previous experiences. It's happened many times on this forum, where early pictures surface of a product and people lose their minds because it looks so bad, and then once the quality pics come out it looks totally different and everyone calms down LOL.
Yeah I don't blame you, it's just their products look so dam nice.
They do, but when I hold them in my hand it's hard to ignore the cheap doll feeling they have, not to mention little problems like loose joints, things breaking easily, cheap looking bases etc...
I would say procrastination would be a better way to describe it. So what statues you going to sell, I didn't even know you had many?
oh I meant they are going in the garage, not selling. I don't have many at all. Apart from what I've told you about previously, the only new pieces I received were the 2 legendary scale Alien busts, both of which turned out poorly. One I smashed and got a refund from Sideshow coz it was so bad, the other is passable but I've decided to not keep it as I wanted the complete set of busts and since that's no longer an option I'm going to get rid of it.
Go figure, I wonder if their Conan will be better than Sideshows, of course paint wise it will be, but the sculpt on the sideshow one is pretty good IMO.
Hard to say really, as PCS do not have much experience with movie characters, as they've mostly done Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. I think Robocop was their first movie statue if I'm not mistaken. I do like that statue, even though some don't, so I think they should do well with this. One thing PCS does really well is human anatomy, so I'm expecting the Arnold body to look amazing.
How much will that cost and can you fit all your current stuff in there?
There are various options out there but I'm expecting something closer to 1k to be honest, which sounds like a lot of money but having everything on individual pedestals and acrylic cases will cost much more. A nice glass cabinet will fit quite a few pieces as well, and I can re-use the cabinet once I move into another house. Haven't decided on anything yet though, going to see what's around first.
His skill is extra ordinary!
Thanks brother
I said I am struggling to see them, I didn't say I can't see them, they just are not really that noticeable like the shades on the proto IMO.
Fair enough man. Personally, I don't really see many tone/hue changes on the proto either. It mostly looks like one colour to me. I just see lots of shadows. The only pics where there is significant tone changes are the ones with lots of light manipulation in the close up shots. The base flesh tone on the proto is really good but. It's just the way I see things though, so you may see things differently. I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts on this too.
Just want to make one thing clear I was not trying to convince you or anyone here that there is a night and day difference but for me personally the paint job still looks a lot different but then again I don't have it in hand so I am only going by pictures.
Fair enough man, and all good, I know you're not, you're just trying to state your opinion and you're entitled to that. Wasn't thinking that at all
top notch photo skills

,yep some nice texture there.funny how that shot/angle is probably the worst one,it shows the poor hair(cut)and what appears to be a very visible seam on the neck.

as it's a real close up it's exaggerated no doubt.
Thanks mate appreciate the kind words

I actually think the angle is fine in person, but the shadow the light casts does make the hair look a bit goofy. I was wondering if anyone would spot the neck seam lol. It is indeed visible, but yes you're right, it's exaggerated due to being a close-up macro shot. You won't see the details like that in real life when viewing at a normal viewing distance.
It's not the most flattering photo and I knew that right away when I zoomed in on it, but it was mainly shared so everyone can see some close-up details of the face, mainly the facial hair.
My statue arrived 15 minutes ago.....luckily I'm working from home today
Something I haven't seen mentioned before - the box is easily the biggest I've ever seen for a statue, dwarfing even the Blitzway GoD statue box. Very strange. And upon opening it, they have for some reason got a thick outer black cardboard box with some very basic design work...which actually made it harder to get the foam casing out. I'm not particularly a fan of outer designed carboard boxes and believe Enterbay had the right idea in their 1/4 line by just getting rid of that as a concept ..... but whatever, not trying to complain, I just found it all curious....
To the statue itself - well I'm not going to take pics because I'll just embarrass myself compared to xpl0sive who is taking the definitive in hand shots on the web for us! - but what can I say:
This is easily the best Bruce Lee collectible ever made. Its presence is insane, even if you're long since used to the 1/3 GoD statue sitting on your shelves....and in hand, I definitely think it is vastly superior to the GoD statue.
The body skin tones do not look plasticky, flat or cheap in hand. It looks great. The cuts on the stomach are an obvious negative but they are so outweighed by the overall positives, that I'm not bothered enough to do anything about them.
I actually like the sweat effect once you step back, definitely gives him a sheen and alive presence.
Weirdly the hands are again the least of all the detail fingernail apps at all really ....'Blitzway hands' is the new 'Sideshow googly eyes'
Personally the only real negative for me is underneath the chin where the face sculpt joins the neck. On the sides of the head its much better as the skin tones match, but underneath the chin the wonderful stubble/5 o'clock shadow and sweat detail just abruptly stops at the sculpts end and the neck/underside chin is a flatter skin tone colour .....would it have been that much more work to blend it a little, especially for this huge price point? I don't think so .....
But at least its a view that we don't actually see unless you stick your face up under his chin to take a look so I can live with that disappointing feature.
But overall, (as I've said before), statues often come down to preference and this is pretty much how I'd design a Lee statue should I be given a blank slate - forward facing to showcase the physique, head tilted and turned, eyes looking at an extreme angle, mouth open, walking (which I never thought would be really possible on a statue).
Oh one more note on walking - it is a round steel peg (back leg) and hole. Due to being round you can pivot him around to give him a positioning on the base of your preference. This may account for what people have seen as differences between the position on the proto and production in terms of stance.
Overall, if you're a Bruce Lee fan this is a must buy and will be the best piece in your collection by a wide margin.
I'm glad you're happy with it mate. My thoughts pretty much echo yours, and it's great to hear the same praise from someone who owns both statues. I was curious how this compared to GoD and I am actually surprised and pleased you think this is vasty superior. The box is definitely huge and it was a real struggle for me to fit it in my car lol.
Thanks all for the pics and opinions. Honestly, I canceled my pre-order which means losing my $70 NRD due to all the negativity but for some reason I emailed the retailer the next day and asked if I can reverse my cancelation. Fortunately they didn't start the paperwork on the cancelation and they were ok with me keeping my pre-order.
Glad you re-ordered mate, hope you enjoy it
xplOsive - this man has not slept since he got this statue.
Thanks for taking the time to set up and share some outstanding photos mate

Look forward to more.
Yeah agree with Chris, that angle from Bruce's left side has always looked a little goofy with the eyes and hair in earlier shots.
I imagine that is why we haven't seen many shots from this angle because those that have the statue have realised it is not the most flattering side.
But it looks much better in this close up, mainly due to the great lighting.
The eyelid shadow is the marked difference here. On other shots where there is no shadow being cast on the eye it has that wide-eyed cartoon look.
That is why if I get this I'd really consider enhancing the top lash since I don't believe there is any paintwork like this on the statue... or it's too fine to notice. It's a subtle mod but greatly enhances realism - Bruce's top lid eyelash was particularly noticeable so a mod like that will bring an even closer likeness. Of course, the right lighting will also do the job in a different way.
Thanks brother, I'm glad you're all enjoying them, and yes, I haven't slept much

I've been having a blast taking photos of this guy. I love statue/figure photography and this statue really photographs well, to my surprise given how much the colour changes depending on lighting. I find with the right light source, the photos come out beautifully without requiring much post processing afterwards to make them look good - a testament to the quality of the paint job (minus the faults lol). Normally when figures look really bad, it's very hard for me to make them look good in a photo. There is only so much you can do.
That angle actually looks OK in person, well to me anyway, but the photo isn't very flattering. The other side certainly photographs better though.
As for the eyes, if you shine the lights from above the figure, it casts a bit of a shadow over the eyes making them less visible, which would probably give you the look you're going for. In most of my pics I'm shining lights from the sides, hence why the eyes capture more light and appear bigger. The eyes are really nice on this statue and look quite life-like.