Not sure about that as the Robocop doesn't look good likeness wise. Personally I think PCS should probably just stick to video game and cartoon characters.
I'm happy for Jerry to have a crack at sculpting Arnie. I don't think they've had a solid chance at proving themselves yet in regards to movie statues. I'm not sure if Jerry sculpted sculpted Robocop or not, but it's their first movie statue really, and the only human part visible is the mouth area. I think Arnie will be a big test for them in terms of sculpting real people. I'm remaining optimistic that Jerry can pull it off.
What I do like about PCS is that they are active on Statue Forum, interact with fans and the company takes criticism on board and make changes if they need to. I remember when they first showed their Akuma 1/3 statue, everyone hated the pose. PCS ended up redesigning the statue from scratch to something fans approved of.
U disappoint me Nuri, check my reply to Chris's post on page 141, then you will know what I mean by that quote.
Haha sorry man that went completely over my head! Haven't had much sleep lately.
I am sure it would but it shouldn't need special lighting to look good, it should look good out of the box. That being said, I am sure this is fine.
It does look good out of the box. Doesn't need special lighting, it just looks better that way that's all. Poor lighting can make most statues and figures look average at best. Doesn't matter how good a statue is, if it's in a poorly lit room, it will look crap. I find that in the room I have my collectibles in, the lighting in there can make a lot of statues look yellowish. This one seems to be the worst for it for some reason. When I viewed it in natural light, I was actually shocked at how different it looked. Was very surprised, in a good way. Made me like the statue even more as the skin tone and details looked a lot nicer. Hopefully my pics on Saturday will show this.
I think I might of been a bit harsh when I said it doesn't look realistic because it does but I think that has to do with the high quality pic of a product, rather than the product itself, if that makes sense? Anyway what I was saying was that I can tell the quality of the paint job on the product as I don't get fooled by high quality pictures like others do. Not that you were trying to fool anyone but some people can't tell the difference between a product with an average paint job (not saying this one is average as it looks as good and perhaps better than the HD1002) with a photo of a product taken in good lighting conditions than one with a good paint job taken even with a poor quality camera.
I understand what you are saying completely, and to be honest I actually felt that was the case with the proto. Not that I think the proto is poorly painted, I think it's amazing, but I always said earlier on in this thread that the pro photography had a lot to do with how good the piece looked, especially in comparison to the production shots. I was basing this on my own experience with taking photos of figures as I knew how much a good photo and a bit of editing can enhance a piece and make it look amazing.
My aim when taking the photos was to try and replicate these promo shots to give people a more fair comparison and a better idea of what the actual production piece looks like in the same conditions that the proto piece was shot in. I figured if I could do this and achieve a similar, realistic look to what we saw in the promo shots of the prototype, then it would confirm my previous theory that the large discrepancy between proto and production was indeed quality photography and some Photoshopping, and not so much a crappy paintjob in the production piece. Obviously my set up is nowhere near as fancy as what Blitzway would have used to take the pics, but it's certainly better than simply pointing a phone at the statue and pressing a button, lol.
Going back to your first comment, whilst a high quality pic may have a bit to do with how realistic the statue looks in my photos, I can tell you now I really did not have to do much or try hard to make this look good in photos. Some decent lighting, correct settings on the camera and a sharp lens was all I needed. Event the lighting was very ghetto. The figure photographs beautifully without the need for much post processing afterwards. Just some slight adjusting of certain things. To me this is a testament of how well the paintjob is, because a poorly painted figure or statue usually requires a fair bit of manipulation from me to make it look good, and even then, it's very hard to make it look realistic. They just do not photograph well. I was actually amazed at how well this figure photographs, straight off the camera without getting to the post processing yet.
The flash makes it look that way, trust me in hand it doesn't look cartoony, the paint job on the sculpt is very realistic, well... maybe the ears are a little over done.
I was talking about my Enterbay T800 head sculpt here. The paint job on that, and other Enterbay figures, whilst it looks amazing, they do have very rich hues which look slightly exaggerated and this is toned down a bit when you place them under bright LED lights. The Blitzway sculpt does have tones throughout the paint but it is more toned down in comparison to Enterbay's. The shading and hues don't appear exaggerated like Enterbay's, it is more subtle. I actually find it looks more realistic in natural light, but when shining LED lights over it, it can wash it out a bit (but still looks amazing). To me, viewing the sculpt in natural light actually appears more realistic than Enterbay's as the tones are a little softer and more neutral. Just looks more like real skin to me.
I might ask them if they still have it.
I doubt it will sell out soon anyway. There doesn't appear to be huge interest in this piece.
Don't worry man your pictures are not influencing me, except the ones that show the right color, I would only be let down if it didn't turn out to be the same color as it is in your pictures. If it turned out to be more of a yellow color than flesh color I would be disappointed but nonetheless, would not blame you because we all see things differently to some extent.
That's great mate. I just want to help you guys out as much as possible but in the end, I want people to be happy with their purchase, so I'm trying to be as detailed and honest as possible when I describe the piece, provide the best pics I can and let people make up their own minds really. Not everyone will love this piece, I know that for sure. It's always the case with every statue.
No it looks good here man, but it just has pretty much a plane paint job and does look more like a lighter tan than your other pics that show more of dark flesh color. I say pretty much because unlike the HD1002 this one actually has subtle hues through it but IMO the shading should stand out more. Looks like they improved the paint job on the eyes, the GOD ones don't even have pupils. Anyway thanks for taking the time to photograph this, I really appreciate it.
Remember this was taken with flash ON, and as I told you before I took the photo, it will wash out the image somewhat, so hues and shading are less noticeable. It actually didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would, but I can assure you it is certainly darker tan in real life, viewing it in natural light. Based on what I see in real life, I think the shading is perfect the way it is. Some more wouldn't hurt it, and some might prefer more as it comes down to personal preference, but I don't really think it's necessary either. You'll see what I mean when I take pics of it in natural light. It's a very nice paint job and I do think you'll be happy with it, even if you think some more shading would have been better.
The eyes are actually some of the best I've ever seen on a figure. They have a nice, glassy appearance to them, they have pupils, little pink veins, the pink on the eyelids is done nicely, even little eyelashes. They done an excellent job with these and it really adds to that 'alive' look.