One word for you all: KIRKHAMMER.
Damn! Crazy awesome
Damn! Crazy awesome
If you're at the beginning and want some tips--you can purchase some new clothing that's like twice as good as what you start with (back at the fountain at the dream place)
And you to be able to upgrade your character you can do that once you've attempted the first boss (you don't have to beat him) then you can go back and the doll person will talk to you and you can buy upgrades from her.
go to any they should have it no ?
Awesome game, did one have a problem with the forbidden forest . It's a glitch were u don't receive a key by playing multiplayer. And u need the key to progress . I didn't beat the boss out of fear off the glitch
So, if the key is missing, that is how someone can tell if they are affected?
Collector Edition back in stock at Amazon
So there's a duplicate inventory glitch out there now.
Can't progress I think. At least later. But I read this on yahoo, so I'm not sure . I was asking as well in a way
**** this ****ing game right in the ****ing a$$!!!
Actually It's fun but it's hard to get the hang of without a bit more guidance... I bought the Hunter garb and found it to cause my blows to be weaker... Which in turn causes me to die more often...
Will have to try and get the doll to talk to me....
Picked up my copy today. Graphics are cool but that's about it. I don't mind gettingmy ass kicked but there needs to be more save points. I'll be taking this back to game stop tomorrow and trading it in. Hope y'all enjoy it more than I did.
How do you guys find your way around? How do you know where to go, where you been, etc...?
This has been my main problem with these games. Is it really just remember EVERYTHING.
I watch people try speedruns arleady. They run along ledges and rooftops to get to places. I sit there thinking, "how am I supposed to know to do that?"
So, what's the problem? Curious as to what makes this a 'take back' for you, Josh?