Super Freak
I unlocked the platinum for this one at the weekend and received the platinum theme code today.
Definitely my favourite game released on the new systems.

I liked Bloodborne but i like DS 1 and 2 way more. Im one of the few people who like DS2 more than 1. I actually think Bloodborne was a step backwards for the franchise as it took about 65% of the combat out of the game that was the fun part of the souls games. it also rewards bad players by just spamming attacks to get your life back. In the souls games you sometimes need to spend up to 40 seconds reading an enemies attacks constantly dodging, blocking with the shield just so you could roll out of the way and hope you could heal. This game just trains you to not plan any battles beyond the initial altercation because as soon as you are hit you just basically tank enemies until either you or they go down. Cant wait for DS 3. Though even then im a bit worried that it looks too much like Bloodborne. The character is way too fast, the settings look very gothic and the enemies move like bloodborne enemies ( elastic, stretchy and hard to read )
Thats pretty much why... well i wont say i dislike bloodborne, i completed it 3 times but why i dont like what it done in regards to gameplay.Don't get me wrong, I LOVE both games, but I do prefer the fast pace action to Bloodborne than the slower sword and shield approach to Dark Souls 2. From what I've read of the director or creative behind the souls series is that he never wanted to make a sequel to anything, every game was to supposed to be a new stand alone experience but yet feel familiar if you've played the others. And to his credit he did go from Demon Souls to Dark Souls to Bloodborne and then he came back for Dark Souls 3. I will play Demon and Dark Souls and I'm going to guess that they feel different from one another. I think that's why this franchise has a bit of a divide with the community, I personally can't say that I think any one game is better because I think so far from what I've played the games have been perfect in their own right.
Dark Souls 3 looks to be stepping in the Bloodborne direction with the faster combat and the way the enemy's move like you said but it does look like it'll retain enough of Dark Souls with the sword and shield play to appeal to both fan bases. I will say that Dark Souls adds alot more variety with it's character creation and they way it allows the players to play, such as magic, daggers, swords and shields. Bloodborne only really had one way to play, and that was through weapon combat, I don't think you'd ever be able to take down a boss with the magic in Bloodborne.
Thats pretty much why... well i wont say i dislike bloodborne, i completed it 3 times but why i dont like what it done in regards to gameplay.
In Dark souls the build you aim for can make the game completely different. A magic weilder game is far different than mele combat. Hell, you can have vastly different mele combat builds. My current build in DS 2 which im casually playing through again is Havells armor, havells shield and i switch between which ultra greart swords i use depending on the area. Im an overpowered tank pretty much. But in the prior build i used a light shield and the enchanted falchion as a homage to my DS1 first build.
You canplay DS games like a bloodborne character ( even using a ring of the evil eye to get life back as you attack hordes of enemies ) but you cant play bloodborne like a souls game ( even though you get 2 shield varients in the dlc ).
The outfits in DS werenot only vastly different visually, but they heavily affected your gameplay too. It was all about fashion in bloodborne, or as disguise to talk to an NPC but thats about it. The stats were barely of any importance
This is my dude, kinda. The stats are a bit jiggled around for what i usually have due to the rings i prefer for that area (ones that dont add stats to the character, but a gimmick ect )I'm on my first play through with DS2 and I have a heavy strength and endurance build. I have 40 strength, 30 endurance so I can wear heavier armor sets, such as the dark armor leggings and mask along with the Forlorn armor and gauntlets while being equipped with the Smiter demon great sword, Manslayer katana, dragonrider bow, and be armed with a shield and still be able fast roll.
This is my dude, kinda. The stats are a bit jiggled around for what i usually have due to the rings i prefer for that area (ones that dont add stats to the character, but a gimmick ect )
I doubt it but I hope they announce Bloodborne 2 at this year's E3 or later. One the best games I've played this gen.
If you like Souls/Bloodborne you might enjoy the new Zelda, there's very much of that influence there though the combat isn't as good.
Has anyone tried Bloodborne with the PS4 Pro Boost Mode that they added to the console last week? I'm curious if it helps it run better.
Anyone wanna help a Bloodborne first time player?