What's with this infatuation with Backwards Compatibility?? I want the PS3 for current and future technology, not the old stuff. Plus, if I need to play a PS2 game I still have my PS2. The 40B, non BC version is the best buy, imho.
Some people never got a PS2 and so they missed out on some games, plus the PS2 is still getting new games.And right now it's more expensive to buy a 40GB PS3 and then buy a PS2 for those games than it is to buy an 80GB PS3 that can still play the PS2 games.
And for me, one of the reasons I got an Xbox 360 was because I never had the original Xbox and missed some of those games so it was nice that it had lots of backwards compatibility with regular Xbox games.
And besides, when the PS3 first came out Sony said that backwards compatibility was an important part of the console and now they've changed their mind saying that it's not important so Sony is too messed up.