Bmutha's Collection

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Here is a quick pic of the "trio" finally together all on one shelf in my PAX.


In case anyone is wondering, I weighed all three of these statues. Venom and Carnage each come in at about 13 lbs. (SS site lists them at 10 lbs. each), and Spider-Man came in at about 16 lbs. (SS site lists him at 25 lbs.). So, the total weight is less than the 44 lbs. PAX shelf capacity, but I added a couple additional metal brackets on each side of the shelf to be safe.
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Alright, here are some Batman pics. The armpits didn't turn out too bad. In fact, the "sag" is more noticeable on the right arm than the left, which is fine by me because the right pit is hidden with the way I display him. Overall, a very nice PF. The "pits" are an issue, but don't ruin it. In fact, I think it's more of an issue with the's a little too stretchy and you can't really shape it. If it was a bit heavier material, I bet you could get it to stay up in the pits a bit better.












Excellent Excellent Score and Pic's, Bmutha, so looking forward to getting mine, Impressive Posts my Friend
Great acquisition bro!

Excellent Excellent Score and Pic's, Bmutha, so looking forward to getting mine, Impressive Posts my Friend

Sweet Pic' Bmutha and Post

Thanks, guys! Your kind words are appreciated.

Batman is so freaking big that my camera lens is not well suited to taking pictures of it. I have a fixed lens with a short depth of field, and I have to stand so far back to fit all of Batman in the frame that I lose a lot of detail.
Alright, here are some Batman pics. The armpits didn't turn out too bad. In fact, the "sag" is more noticeable on the right arm than the left, which is fine by me because the right pit is hidden with the way I display him. Overall, a very nice PF. The "pits" are an issue, but don't ruin it. In fact, I think it's more of an issue with the's a little too stretchy and you can't really shape it. If it was a bit heavier material, I bet you could get it to stay up in the pits a bit better.












Love the batman statue dude!!

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Congrats Erik on finally receiving your Bats buddy! Amazing pics for this amazing statue! :clap

Thanks! I tried your thread fix on the pits, an it really didn't do much for the left arm. I think the "defect" is the material more so than the seam (at least on mine). The material is just so stretched through the shoulder/pectoral region. In fact, I think the shirt might be a tad too small (a bit more slack might allow the fabric to be pushed up into the pit and stay there).

(P.S. name's Kris :lol)
Thanks! I tried your thread fix on the pits, an it really didn't do much for the left arm. I think the "defect" is the material more so than the seam (at least on mine). The material is just so stretched through the shoulder/pectoral region. In fact, I think the shirt might be a tad too small (a bit more slack might allow the fabric to be pushed up into the pit and stay there).

(P.S. name's Kris :lol)

:lol at least I got the 'k' right :lol shame about the thread not working on yours Kris...I'll be attempting the right hand side this evening and posting some pics on my thread later tonight. The right hand side is certainly better than the left in terms of sagging :)
:lol at least I got the 'k' right :lol shame about the thread not working on yours Kris...I'll be attempting the right hand side this evening and posting some pics on my thread later tonight. The right hand side is certainly better than the left in terms of sagging :)

Hey, no problem. If I had a nickel for every time someone spelled my name wrong, I'd be a very rich man!

Actually, the right pit sagging is worse than the left on mine. The seam on the left pit is tight to the underside of the pit and can't be raised any higher. It's actually the material stretched between the pectoral and shoulder that causes the problem for me (it's actually pretty minor on mine, so I have comfortably left it alone). The thread just didn't quite do the trick in that area. It does work on the right pit, although I didn't leave it in because the right pit is generally not visible with how I display it.
Some before and after "pit surgery" pics. I didn't think the pits were that bad when it first arrived, but after seeing Raphael's youtube video showing how to glue the pits, I decided to give it a try. But, after I was done, it was like night and day. It's pretty darn close to the proto now (I even raised the logo a bit). You can really see the difference in these pics:




Wow, now i know what people were talking about the armpits.
I wonder if i will be able to fix it up, kinda scared his shirt will tear off as soon as i pull it from the body.
really awesome fix Bmutha
Well, I pre-ordered this one for my son quite a while ago, and forgot it was coming. I showed up at my LCS to pick up some comics, and what a nice surprise, there it was waiting for me.

Superman For Tomorrow by Kotobukiya. Very nice piece. I like that they added the logo to the base (even though I wish the base was a little's made of very thin flimsy plastic). Nice details on this. I am a fan of the Jim Lee art that inspired this piece, and I think they pulled it off nicely.

I was having some trouble with lighting for this piece for whatever reason...these pics are not my best effort, but here they are anyway:





Here are a couple where I was playing around with some filters...thought they turned out pretty neat:



This came out beautiful! Forgot the kids man, I want one for myself! Honorable mention to the spidey CQ set (awesome picture) and batman of course. Haven't been on in a while. Lots of busy work and moving stuff so I had to take a short leave but its good to be back and see all my peeps still plugging along. I've saw a post in your thread and Andy's about armpit problems with the Batman PF. My finally arrives Friday... Is this a common issue? Might need some guidance if I have the same issues... Hope all is well
This came out beautiful! Forgot the kids man, I want one for myself! Honorable mention to the spidey CQ set (awesome picture) and batman of course. Haven't been on in a while. Lots of busy work and moving stuff so I had to take a short leave but its good to be back and see all my peeps still plugging along. I've saw a post in your thread and Andy's about armpit problems with the Batman PF. My finally arrives Friday... Is this a common issue? Might need some guidance if I have the same issues... Hope all is well

Hey, I was thinking the other day that I hadn't seen you around for a while. Hopefully your stellar collection made it through the move.

Yeah, unfortunately it seems all of the Batman's have the armpit issue. It's not terrible in person, but you can see the improvement.

A guy named Raphael Robledo jr made an awesome YouTube video showing how to fix it with glue, which is what I did. I have a replacement body coming eventually (there is a wait list) so I figured there'd be no harm in trying it. I will definitely do it again when the replacement body arrives, but I'll probably use a syringe or something to help apply the glue with more precision.
Wow, now i know what people were talking about the armpits.
I wonder if i will be able to fix it up, kinda scared his shirt will tear off as soon as i pull it from the body.
really awesome fix Bmutha

The shirt comes unglued around the neck fairly easily. Just take your time and it shouldn't rip.

The glue everyone seems to be using is called works really well, but it sets up pretty quick (which is good and bad in a way).

Watch Raphael's video, and you'll see just how much flex the fabric has, just be careful not to tear the seams.

The other option is to tie a string around it and cinch up the fabric, like Andy did.
Yeah I have been MIA! I bought a new house and planned a Disney trip for my kid and I. Those two feats were grueling... throw in the regular work schedule leaves zero time to do anything else! Worst part is everything is packed and ready to go except for my collection and I leave for Florida on Sunday! Ah well. I'll get thru it eventually. Thanks for the advice on Batman. Ill search for the vid if needs be come Friday.... Good to see your collection growing into an arsenal of purely awesome stuff! Really like all the new additions B!