Re: 25-30 Days to Fett
Sadly, I also think that GG has hit a turning point--and not in a good direction. After all the stress and frustration of last year, the events of the last two months may well prove to be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. People really seem to have had it with them, and I can't say that I blame them. Honestly, if you look at what is happening with the Obi-Wan statue reception, I really do believe that a huge number of their customers will (wisely) refuse to place a preorder for the next GG statue. (Retailers stuck with cancelled and unsold statues will not be big GG fans either.) Their customers and fans have simply lost what little confidence they had to begin with.
Their only hope is to suddenly flood the blog with staff comments and interaction (not likely at all), offer current Guild members an advance preorder of the Clone Commander box set (a possibility) and--most importantly--have the next few statues currently in production turn out absolutely fantastic (who knows at this point). If we get some beautiful and excellent final production pieces on Slave Leia, Han on Tauntaun, Jabba and the Band, etc., then there will be some faith restored. But if they were to put up a new statue for preorder next week, they would be in for a big surprise. Nobody would order. Confidence in their company has been at the bottom of the barrel, but people have put up with it because the product has been great. With bad Qui-Gon paint jobs, Royal Guard statues with crooked heads, an insane fan-alienating 2007 exclusive schedule, and now utterly revolting pictures of Obi-Wan, there is just no longer any reason at all to say anything positive about Gentle Giant.
I mean, people have been frustrated in the past, but now we are talking about mass e-mail campaigns directing complaints to Lucas Licensing and demanding intervention. My local theater allowed the print of the Star Wars Special Edition to melt down during the first showing in 1997. I called the THX line and complained, along with tons of others. Weeks later, the theater was not allowed to show ESB and ROTJ. When the complaints pile up high enough, Lucas will intervene to make sure that the Star Wars name is not tarnished. GG is not immune and would not be the first collectible company to lose the license.