The costume's just too cool, and he's a baddie, everyone likes a villain.
HighElven said:Hello all Star Wars fans,
I am posting to ask what peoples like of Boba Fett actually stems from?
I'm watchin ROTJ for the first time right now, and he dies in such a lame way. I dont remember being impressed by him in the Empire Strikes back... Sure his design is cool but I think hes a pretty weak character.
So what makes him so popular?
Wor-Gar said:OK, for those of you who want to know how the original, original hype for Boba Fett really started (and this is no joke):
Back in late 1979 or early 1980, months before "Empire" opened, there was a small 6 page booklet that was sent out from a long forgotten club called "The Star Wars Fan Club" (some of you may remember). In that booklet, there was a full page B/W sketch rendering of Boba Fett, much like the SW Encyclopedias now, which pointed out all of Fett's weaponry. It was awesome -- flamethrower, jetpack, missiles, bombs, etc. He looked to be a villain as awesome as Vader, but with an armory.
jlcmsu said:I think he is cool and the whole story of the character is cool