NECA on Twitter.
Thanks - what a bummer........
NECA on Twitter.
Thanks - what a bummer........
Well who knows what news Toy Fair (this weekend) will bring.
Man, it sounds like once again NECA is slow to the trigger. Had they spent alittle more effort on these and maybe less effort on their rainbow variety of Predators and Assassin Creed characters they could have opened up a great new line.
Sure, Claptrap was always going to sell well, as he could make it as a stand-alone figure. Meanwhile the Psycho was really lacking without any other figure to interact with. The style of paint didn't really allow him to blend in with other lines, so what was the figure to do aside from pegwarm? It's like if NECA made and R2-D2 and a Battle Droid - you tell me which one would do better.
I ended up buying a Loot Edition off Ebay - gotta say, its awesome.....I assume everyone here has played the DLCs thus far?
To receive your gifts from Miss Moxxi, enter the SHiFT codes below into Borderlands 2:
"Real Men Wear Pink" for Axton, "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" for Zer0, "Pretty and Pink" for Maya, "Pink Eyes" for Salvador, "Gumming the Works" for Gaige -- along with a special version of Moxxi's Heart Breaker shotgun that will be the same level as (and appear in the backpack of) the first character you load after redeeming the code.
These codes will be active through February 17, 2013