Statue Boromir Maquette...Links to buy and waitlist in 1st post !!.

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Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

These also bring back memories of the old Sideshow/Weta pieces. There's something cool about sculpted polystone that gives these a classic/timeless feel.

That it does. Brings a big smile to my face thats for sure.

^ this. that's whats so great about the weta stuff. especially the gandalf the grey statue. it is still one of my all time favorites. it captures the feel of gandalf in the movie and the book. i pretty much had the same feeling of excitement unboxing the aragorn maquette as when i unboxed my first weta bust.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Yeah, when I opened the Aragorn maquette it was quite nice to be doing that again with a LOTR statue. :rock
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

yeah, it's kind of why i'm down for w/e we get. excited just about the possibilities of it.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Thinking about what we might get and how it will look is fantastic. Also very much reminds me of as we went though the original line wondering what was next and what it would look like.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Wow, they are really cranking out this line! Aragorn, Gandalf, legolas, Gimli, Boromir and now Arwen!
I have Aragorn, but didnt order the others, but Boromir is tempting me to change my mind! :)
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Right things are going in a really nice direction with this line. Its nice to see this again with a full statue line since its been so long since we had that. Weta's environments are amazing looking and we're getting winners right and left with that so these two together is a real treat.

Treat for the eye, that's for sure, but NOT for my wallet :gah:
I'm 4 for 4 with the new Weta line ; SSC Aragorn is already here, Legolas and Boromir are preordered and I'm pretty sure Arwen winked at me today :D
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Yeah, the wallet does weep a little with every new release. :lol
Re: Boromir Maquette

I have to say, it looks great overall and i think i'll be ordering, but it looks more like a generic Gondorian soldier than Boromir, i can't see Sean Bean in the likeness much.

When I first saw it, I thought it was Thor, in many ways I still do.
Everything else is great tho.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Nice to see other forum members climbing on boad with us. I really feel that this line will offer some great choices, as seen right here with this version of Boromir.

I'm sure SS likes seeing more and more people deciding to get into this line as well. Especially after Boromir, it shows that obscure costumes (like this one) and characters are of high interest.

Makes me think that maybe we'll get some other characters we never thought we would get. Like Haldir, Elendil, Isildur, etc.

We already know Faramir and Eomer are coming down the pike! :rock
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Nice to see other forum members climbing on boad with us. I really feel that this line will offer some great choices, as seen right here with this version of Boromir.

I'm sure SS likes seeing more and more people deciding to get into this line as well. Especially after Boromir, it shows that obscure costumes (like this one) and characters are of high interest.

Makes me think that maybe we'll get some other characters we never thought we would get. Like Haldir, Elendil, Isildur, etc.

We already know Faramir and Eomer are coming down the pike! :rock

Indeed! More folks getting on board can only lead to great things like you said. Thinking about getting Haldir, Elendil, and Isildur is quite exciting especially after have the latter two in bust form.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

This statue looks amazing to me. Another example of why I am basically sticking with this line and not the PF line. I'll collect a few key PF's but I have basically decided the full sculpt is the way for me.

This piece with the movement in his clothes and the blowing flag. Tough to get that in the PF line. Great job so far on the maquette line so far! Keep it up! Sad thing is I have the latest PF orc preordered. Probably gonna walk away from my deposit.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

This really does look amazing but its a pass for me when the hell is the pf going to come out.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

If I thought they would ever make a PF like this, I might have waited. But I think it's unlikely--and this piece is really nicely done. Wish I could be at SDCC this year so I could see it in person!
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

If I thought they would ever make a PF like this, I might have waited. But I think it's unlikely--and this piece is really nicely done. Wish I could be at SDCC this year so I could see it in person!

I guess I agree with you but it would stick out like a sore thumb in size comparison to my other lotr pf. So far I have the gandalf ex pf the gollum pf and the morgel lord ex pf, hope to add boromir pf one day if they do one. Im scared to see what sauron is going to cost and ring wraith on steed would like these as well.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Indeed! More folks getting on board can only lead to great things like you said. Thinking about getting Haldir, Elendil, and Isildur is quite exciting especially after have the latter two in bust form.

and gil-galad!
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

ok. i caved in and ordered it via Flex.

Man. what a slippery slope this board is :lol
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

im glad they made a boromir piece, the armor/etc is great, i dont like the likeliness of the face, i guess it is hard for that characters.

the face is better than the weta boromir piece .

ugh - dont know if i want to order or wait for the PF.

my fav. character is Boromir, but i am real dissapointed on the price set up for this Maquette line at like $250 a pop.

anyone else recall the days when the same type of weta pieces were $125 :)

still debating this piece, i just got the gollum pf which is incredible, not sure if i want to dwelve into this line.
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

Looks like a WWE Triple H action figure head scan :nana:
Re: Boromir Maquette...Buy NOW!!. Links in 1st post !!.

anyone else recall the days when the same type of weta pieces were $125 :)

lol, yeah. i feel like you get a lot more statue for your dollar with this line. the gandalf maquette especially just looks enormous. aragorn as well. the bases help in that regard to some extent i guess. and plus, it could be worse. the snake eyes maquette was $325.