Break ups suck. How do you rebound from a break up?

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Sleep with another girl
The most foolproof method for getting over your ex is to sleep with another girl.
It’s the fastest and most efficient way to get an ex-girlfriend out of your system. One of the reasons we equivocate about leaving an ex behind is because -- no matter how confident we are -- we worry we won’t find someone new.
That’s what sends us crawling back to our familiar, comfy, dysfunctional exes time and time again.
Finding a new love interest, even for one night, is the best method of countering all those self-defeating thoughts.
Remember the bad times
It’s pretty common for guys to idealize their significant others after a breakup. You’ll just be going about your business, and then, suddenly, you’ll remember an inside joke or a great date. Then you’ll grin, thinking about a cute personality quirk she had, and before long, you’re fantasizing about how great your sex life used to be.

Snap out of it. One of the most important of our 11 tips for getting over your ex is to remember the bad times. Focus on the fights and the problems. Recollect her bad habits and shady behavior. It’s like taking a cold shower.
Remember the bad times
It’s pretty common for guys to idealize their significant others after a breakup. You’ll just be going about your business, and then, suddenly, you’ll remember an inside joke or a great date. Then you’ll grin, thinking about a cute personality quirk she had, and before long, you’re fantasizing about how great your sex life used to be.

Snap out of it. One of the most important of our 11 tips for getting over your ex is to remember the bad times. Focus on the fights and the problems. Recollect her bad habits and shady behavior. It’s like taking a cold shower.

Remember her farts. That is, unless you're into that sort of thing, then don't remember her farts.
Who it's more difficult for is inconsequential. You forget about it, get rid of all the stuff that reminds you of said person, and simply move on. There's always someone better out there and any time wasted on grief is just that, a waste.

Or mother. :huh

Sound advice brother. Well except the nailing her mother part.

Eli, I think after 5 pages, you've found your answer. This thread is the answer. Laugh it up buddy.

Also STFU too.
Plus you don't have to waste weeks chatting with a 5'3" 110lb redheaded hottie who turns out to be a 4'3" 300lb broad/dude named Phil.

LOL Founds of years. So out of it can't spell. I meant thousands of years... and yes, this is true.

Internet dating scares me for that very reason!
Still seems like the easiest place to meet women.

Not really, no. :lol And you still don't even really know they're even of the opposite sex which accurately resembles their profile until you meet them in person. There're plenty of better places to meet women. One of my favorites was the library at my local university. :naughty
I read somewhere that really isn't that easy for guys because women have such a selection of guys to choose from that they ignore almost every message they receive and only respond to the premium dudes.
Sound advice brother. Well except the nailing her mother part.

Eli, I think after 5 pages, you've found your answer. This thread is the answer. Laugh it up buddy.

Also STFU too.

Curious, how did you guys react to a dump? I usually am the dumped. So it's definitely an alien world for me.
Throw away anything that reminds you of her
That dopey-looking teddy bear she gave you for your birthday, the sappy love letters she wrote, the adorable pictures of the two of you -- chuck ’em. Throw it all away. The sooner you get all that junk out of your house the sooner you’ll get over her.

And before you ask, yes, it’s fine to keep items that don't evoke any emotional connections. If she bought you a copy of Call of Duty 2, keep it. But clothes, jewelry, keepsakes, and the like should be ditched.
Not really, no. :lol And you still don't even really know they're even of the opposite sex which accurately resembles their profile until you meet them in person. There're plenty of better places to meet women. One of my favorites was the library at my local university. :naughty

Answer me honestly. We've chatted through this board for quite a few years now and you've always displayed open concern for the legitimacy of a woman's sex... So let's hear it. How many times have you been greeted by a Coliseum Dog when you thought you were reaching down to touch the valley of love?
Throw away anything that reminds you of her
That dopey-looking teddy bear she gave you for your birthday, the sappy love letters she wrote, the adorable pictures of the two of you -- chuck ’em. Throw it all away. The sooner you get all that junk out of your house the sooner you’ll get over her.

And before you ask, yes, it’s fine to keep items that don't evoke any emotional connections. If she bought you a copy of Call of Duty 2, keep it. But clothes, jewelry, keepsakes, and the like should be ditched.

Eli this dudes been stalking you I think.
Answer me honestly. We've chatted through this board for quite a few years now and you've always displayed open concern for the legitimacy of a woman's sex... So let's hear it. How many times have you been greeted by a Coliseum Dog when you thought you were reaching down to touch the valley of love?

Coliseum Dog? Valley of Love? :lol :lol :rotfl:lol :lol:rotfl