After the heart-in-the-throat violence and suspense of the last few episodes, tonight’s finale is quiet. It doesn’t try to impress. A legend has no need to do that, as Walt shows that he understands when he quietly scares Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz out of their wits.
Nobody can believe Walter is right next to them because his modus operandi has never been to remain unseen. Over and over again in this last appearance, Walt remains in the background while his legend does the work for him. When Marie calls Skyler to warn her that Walt’s been seen in town, she mentions that, Pimpernel-like, he’s been spotted everywhere; of course, Walt’s already there, hidden from our view by a strategically-placed column until the camera moves forward to reveal him.
Lydia and Todd walk right past him in the coffee shop. And when he finally confronts Uncle Jack’s gang at their compound, his sickly appearance and pathetic plea to sell them a new blue-meth process convince them that he’s no threat. Finally, with all the bluster and porkpie hats behind him, Walt is truly as dangerous as he always wanted people to believe he was.