Super Freak
I don't know how he did it, but a buddy of mine managed to finish it in under a week. I was surprised when he told me (surprised that he was still alive)

I don't know how he did it, but a buddy of mine managed to finish it in under a week. I was surprised when he told me (surprised that he was still alive).
I don't know how he did it, but a buddy of mine managed to finish it in under a week. I was surprised when he told me (surprised that he was still alive).
A few show's that I never started from the beginning and was "highly recommended"
LOST - (SPOILER) Aside from the ending this was truly a great show
Sapranos – Great Show
Mad Men - Enjoyable
Walking dead – When People say You got to watch this…….You Do. Believe the hype.
Deadwood – The dialogue is fantastic. I can watch episodes over and over. Highly recommend subtitles or you have no idea WTF is going on!!
Breaking Bad – It's OK but hands down the MOST over rated / over hyped show. It was like I was waiting for the "punch line" to understand why everyone is raving about. It never came. With Breaking Bad I just did not get the hype. What did people see that I did not?
On a side note - I think one episode of dialogue in Breaking Bad is equal to one conversation between two people in Deadwood!!
I just finished it myself.Yeah i know im late to the party
I guess most of us wished more words could have been exchanged between Walt and Jesse,but the ending was understandable.
My only complaint about the show was that i wish there was more development with Jesse.He is the type of guy you want to see develop in the opposite direction of Walt and have a happy ending because he is so damn likeable.
I kinda saw it start to happen with Andrea and Brock.Jesse wanted out,Walt giving him advice about what he's been through with his family and his secrets.Killing off Andrea was so unecessary as it would have been a much better ending if we saw one final scene where he drives off to Andrea's place and end it there.Finally Jesse will have a chance of a better life now that all connections to Walt's/Fring's Drug empire are gone.
There are so many other ways to threaten Jesse than to kill Andrea.A verbal threat or physical abuse to Andrea in front of Jesse for example.
The show's main focus was off course Walt,but i wish the Jesse character and his ending should have been handled differently in the end.
I really liked Jesse in the beginning of the show, but as a show went on he started to make me angry on how much of a p**** he was. He always went back to drugs and depression, never had enough money and made stupid decisions. When he ratted out Walter I was disgusted and hoped that Walter would have him killed. Jesse knew that everything Walter did what's for his own family, so by ratting out Walter he also sold out Walters family. He was a drug addicted weak weasel and had no backbone, I really wish he would have not lived the finale.
But why did Jesse team up with Hank?
Because Walt poisoned a kid, manipulated Jesse and killed everyone closest to him.
I actually think I was bitter at Jesse because I knew that the show was ending. I think when Jesse helped the FBI i knew there was no escape for Walter. I just didn't understand why Jesse never got it, it seemed like he was always searching for something that was not there. I felt bad for Walter and rooted for him till the end, he was a villain but I saw him as a hero. Pretty good writing when a science teacher meth dealer is so likeable.
Hank was always the "hero" of this story for me, contrasting Walt. In the beginning Hank started out as this sort of macho *** hole. After we get to know him more, we see that that side of him is just a facade and he's really a virtuous, good hearted man. I always thought that scene where Hank pretended to be proud after he was promoted (for killing Tuco), and later throwing the souvenir into the river was powerful stuff. Not to mention his final moments.
Don't get me wrong, Walt's a great character, but throughout the serious he IS a manipulative scumbag. There's nothing really endearing about him.