Super Freak
Walt's appeal comes in the form of his character: an underdog. That's why people like him; because, even though he does despicable things, anyone who's ever been shat on or unappreciated lives vicariously through him. You look at the Walt who's working at Bogdan's car wash in season 1, and you compare that to the genius criminal mastermind you see in those last eight episodes, and, as unethical as it is, you appreciate that. It's kind of funny, though, because I think the show embodies that Ozymandias poem perfectly. We look at the finale and we think "Walt's an Outlaw. He's done what anyone would want to do; he's gone out on his own terms," and that's kind of self-evident by that look of contentment on his face, but then, I want you to think back to the Season 1 Walt who worked in Bogdan's car wash. How would his death have come to pass? He would've been miserable. He would've felt as though his life amounted to nothing in those last few moments, as he laid in his bed, completely bald and gaunt. Or, maybe, he wouldn't have. Maybe he would've seen all of his friends and family that surrounded him; Skylar, the kids, Hank, Marie, Gomie, hell, even Gretchen and Elliot, and, maybe, he would've seen that the value in his life didn't have to be material worth to be important.
Then, I think about Jessie. In a lot of ways, he succeeded as Jessie's teacher; he, ultimately, led him to realize his full potential, and, in doing so, Jessie realized that this was not the life he wanted. That being said, was Jessie's revelation worth it? That's one life that he managed to save, but how many did he destroy along the way? Hank would still be here, he's still have his family, Gomie would be alive. That's the genius of Breaking Bad; there are "pros and cons" to everything.
Then, I think about Jessie. In a lot of ways, he succeeded as Jessie's teacher; he, ultimately, led him to realize his full potential, and, in doing so, Jessie realized that this was not the life he wanted. That being said, was Jessie's revelation worth it? That's one life that he managed to save, but how many did he destroy along the way? Hank would still be here, he's still have his family, Gomie would be alive. That's the genius of Breaking Bad; there are "pros and cons" to everything.