How many left 5?
Is Hank's office still bugged from Walt from a previous season remember? Was that the same office?
Just thinking....
Presuming we're right and Jessie now knows about Walt and his involvement with Brock, can you imagine if he figures out about his involvement with Jane's death?????
Just thinking....
Presuming we're right and Jessie now knows about Walt and his involvement with Brock, can you imagine if he figures out about his involvement with Jane's death?????
And judging by next week's preview....
Jessie is NOT successful at burning down the White residence. Maybe I'm wrong. But I thought I saw Walt Jr. in there during a few glimpses.
I don't see how he could know unless there was video or something. How would he even know Walt was there? Jessie might find out, but I don't see how he can.
You don't remember seeing the last episode where Walt's house was burned up and the wall said Heisenberg?