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Hurricane does a nice blinking tracker as well, so you can keep an eye on those pesky aliens.

Yea i know, he is doing one tracker 4 me and a lamp but, the request on my shoulder lamp is new.
He is making it just like the real shoulder lamp. With the light shining through the grills on the side.:cool:

Thanks 4 the info anyway man.
I got my Drake and most of my hicks today :banana :chew:banana, I'v already started on customizing the hicks armour, I will poat some pics when I can.
Thats the body for Vasquez

I'd like to eventually get those "working lamps" from Hurricane for all of my marines, including the custom ones I'm making for Cpl. Dietrich, Pvt. Frost, Pvt. Crowe, Pvt. Weirzbowski, and then the Hot Toys ones for Vasquez, Hudson, Drake, Apone, and Hicks. So, I'm looking at eventually getting 9 lamps someday! Wow, I'll have to get them in groups when I can I guess. I'd also want one "working" motion tracker for my Hudson. You gotta get one for him! :D

Hey man, did you get round to making the other marines? Frost, Crowe etc. If so, any pics?
I was thinking about using a Sarah conner body 4 a final battle Ripley.
But, if this body has a just a little more muscle look then i dont know anymore.
I gues i could always switch them around.

When I first saw the new Sarah Connor I also thought VASQUEZ! Jenette Goldstein said in an interview that she was into body building before she was cast as Vasquez in Aliens, so she was already like that when she signed on.

Sheva Alomar's internally jointed arms really aren't muscular enough, but Sarah's are much more like it. I'll most likely be looking for a loose Sarah Connor body to replace my own Vasquez until a better solution comes along.

Ripley was as tall as the guys, but not really as muscular as Sarah. The biggest problem with the HT Ripley body is that she's too short. People had different solutions for the height problem, such as putting inserts in her shoes, finding a taller body, etc.
I got untouched Hot toys Ripley but i also got one that was hightend just a little.
I bought Space jockey's PWL a short while ago and he did that for me.

I think that she could use just a litte more hight.
View attachment 23541 View attachment 23542
I would like 2 have the final battle ripley with clossed joint's. That would b not necessary for my jacket ripley.
I Think that i will use the Sheva body 4 ripley if i can paint the rubber, and a sarah Conner body 4 Vasquez.

possibilities possibilities possibilities

Thanks 4 the info anyway MUDSHARK
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Thanks man.
You can get them from Sovereign studio here on the forum.
Price is great also!. These are the normal white guy sleeves.
He also got other kinds of sleeves like Muscle sleeves with big veins on them.
if i remember correctly then he also got Black sleeves.
Those white sleeves R a little pale but if you mix some acrilic paint and you rub it in then it will stay on perfectly while posing the joints.

Traded my custom ODST for one of Chris's kits, one of the knockoff Marine armor sets (in the bluish camo)- Have 3 of the knockoff sets now, some loose HT armor sets (back when they first came out) two sets of the correct camo from scifimilitary are ordered, my squad of Marines' gear is nearly complete. Have most of the bdu's too. Have to start picking out the headsculpts to start building this squad. Got one of the old Misfits muscle bodys to use as my smartgunner-

Been a couple years in the planning stage- going to repaint the armor w/ screen accurate colors and patterns.

Should be fun!
Those sets of the correct camo from scifimilitary".
Can i see a picture of that? and does that come with the name that you need for the body armor or helmet?.
I was thinking of cutting the name out a piece of sticker stick it on the backside of the helmet and spray paint the name on.
Those sets of the correct camo from scifimilitary".
Can i see a picture of that? and does that come with the name that you need for the body armor or helmet?.
I was thinking of cutting the name out a piece of sticker stick it on the backside of the helmet and spray paint the name on.

The BDU sets from (men-at-arms) are still WIP. Last update was a couple of weeks ago, but there should be one in near future, hopefully with some pics of the final colors and tailoring. I'll try to post some pics in this thread if/when they're available, unless somebody else beats me to it.

M-A-A did mentioned making some SA patches, insignia, and name tapes for the uniforms, but I'm assuming that will be after the BDU sets have been sent out to everyone.

If we could possibly get some "rub-down" letter sheets printed up in screen accurate USCM stencil font, I think that would take care of the armor and helmet markings. I'll try to mention it to M-A-A next time he posts an update on the BDUs.
Traded my custom ODST for one of Chris's kits, one of the knockoff Marine armor sets (in the bluish camo)- Have 3 of the knockoff sets now, some loose HT armor sets (back when they first came out) two sets of the correct camo from scifimilitary are ordered, my squad of Marines' gear is nearly complete. Have most of the bdu's too. Have to start picking out the headsculpts to start building this squad. Got one of the old Misfits muscle bodys to use as my smartgunner-

Been a couple years in the planning stage- going to repaint the armor w/ screen accurate colors and patterns.

Should be fun!

Sounds like we both have similar plans for our CMs. I've been, well, "hoarding" HT CM figures and loose gear since they were first released over here in early '06. When I first laid eyes on 'em I went a little nuts and decided to stock up, thinking I'd be able to use the spare armor and weapons for kit bashing purposes. I also bought a dozen or so BDUs from Chris, a few weapon kits, several patch/insignia sets, and some other basic materials. Since then I've also managed to pick up some loose HT armor sets and one or two more complete figures, so I probably have enough gear now to make the rest of the original squad from Aliens. :D

Working out solutions to the issues with screen accuracy in costume details continues to be an enjoyable challenge, if not an obsessive one. My biggest obstacle is eventually obtaining accurate head sculpts of the original cast, especially Frost, Crowe, Wierzbowski, Dietrich, and Gorman. I still haven't seen the definitive Hudson sculpted by anyone yet, and I suppose the set will never be truly complete without ratboy Carter Burke (aka "Dogmeat") at some point.

I'm really looking forward to having those new uniforms M-A-A is working on! Only wish I could've afforded a few more sets. Since most of the squad will be wearing armor, they'll mostly be wearing the EVA BDUs from Chris anyway.
Hi guys, I got my Hicks armour and other gear a few days ago and here is what I have done so far. I need a few key components, like the headsculpt (which I'm hoping to get from xenoviper) arm sleeves but other than that I have the shotgun and its carrier, the lamp, tracker and a pulse rifle.

Anyways here's the pics, my battery's died so couldn't take any more.

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I used space jockeys tutorials to do most of the armour, I also added the black bits on the shin armour which I think add a bit more realism.

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I also drilled out the hole in his armour.

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Hope you guys like