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Now, THAT looks real good DIC! I really like what you've done, weathering the armor- MUCH better.

Mudshark- I too wished I could have gotten more sets, may try for another one or two. Hopefully MAA will have them finished soon.
Helmet covers would ROCK!

I hadn't thought about doing the rest of the original squad- a very cool idea!

Looking forward to gearing up them now!! :D
Cheer hollis DZC, I'd love to have the whole team aswell, for now im happy with drake and hicks, though I have most of the parts to make a decent vasquez, just need a decent body that wont cost an arm and a leg.
No problem, always glad to help a fellow Freak. :D

Those BDU's are gonna B awesome :banana
those last pictures in the looking 4 a few good men thread, very nice!.
Never thought that sombody whould make such nice and accurate uniforms for our 1/6 scale.
Are these gonna b a available with all the correct patches?.
Like sarge Apone his outffit with stripes ,etc.
I'm really looking forward to getting those new BDUs too! I have a number of the older ones that MAA made for EVA Models, which are still going to look better than the original HT uniforms under the armor most of them will be wearing.

The new ones will be for Vasquez and Dietrich (eventually), and are the new female-sized uniforms. I'll have to cut the sleeves off one for Vasquez. I've been planning on doing a couple of different versions of Hicks for a couple of years now, one in full armor and one without, like aboard the Sulaco before the drop. I'll probably be cutting the sleeves down to get the proper rolled look he had in the movie, so the trousers from that set will most likely go to Drake, since he wears no armor over his. The other set will probably go to a pre-drop version of Apone.

EVA Models sold a complete set of patches and insignia that was printed on cloth, which you could apply to the BDUs with white glue. I have a few sets, but MAA mentioned another method that delivers improved detail, so I'm kind of waiting to see what happens with that idea first. From what I understand, he was talking about making sets similar to the ones EVA supplied, except more screen accurate. :D

I'll try to post a pic of the EVA patch set so you can get an idea what they will probably look like. Please give me a day or two, though.
I wonder how that will all turn out your plans for such a huge squad.
Who's gonna B the first you will b working on?

BTW Mudshark, i would like 2 see how those EVA patch sets look like
But, i think i already saw them much much earlyer in this thread.
Almost cant mis that those were the one,s you were talking about.
thanks Anyway.

I realy like that MAA is constantly improving the BDU,s.
From pockets till the camo spots he does it all 2 get a great final result.
How cool can things get.:cool:
I've actually been working on several figures, though some are a little farther along than others. Right now, the ones closest to completion are Hicks, Drake, Vasquez, and Hudson. After that are Ripley, Bishop, and ???

My biggest problem is time, as in not having enough of it these days. It's the main reason my Marines aren't finished already. Progress has been slow, but I've been continually researching and updating my reference files, so that when I do get time to work on them, I already know exactly what I want to do and how to do it.

Reading this thread and enjoying the contributions of others also motivates me to work on completing my own figures. When I'm a little farther along I want to share some of my work and ideas in this thread with anyone who's interested. :D
I've been making some more progress with my Hicks, just sourcing the head sculpt and getting the correct body I want to use.
For my drake I don't really know where to start, I know the hat has some writing on the front but I don't really know what else needs changed. Apart for the head sculpt repaint.
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I've been making some more progress with my Hicks, just sourcing the head sculpt and getting the correct body I want to use.
For my drake I don't really know where to start, I know the hat has some writing on the front but I don't really know what else needs changed. Apart for the head sculpt repaint.

Do you aleardy got a order for a Hicks head?.
Couse , if am correct there is a painted FML head on e-bay.
Only one bid made.
Thought you may want 2 know.
I've been making some more progress with my Hicks, just sourcing the head sculpt and getting the correct body I want to use.
For my drake I don't really know where to start, I know the hat has some writing on the front but I don't really know what else needs changed. Apart for the head sculpt repaint.

Go back through the start of this thread youll get all you need to know about customizing your marines.
I've actually been working on several figures, though some are a little farther along than others. Right now, the ones closest to completion are Hicks, Drake, Vasquez, and Hudson. After that are Ripley, Bishop, and ???

My biggest problem is time, as in not having enough of it these days. It's the main reason my Marines aren't finished already. Progress has been slow, but I've been continually researching and updating my reference files, so that when I do get time to work on them, I already know exactly what I want to do and how to do it.

Reading this thread and enjoying the contributions of others also motivates me to work on completing my own figures. When I'm a little farther along I want to share some of my work and ideas in this thread with anyone who's interested. :D

Always interested mudshark cant wait to see a full set of marines.
OK patch sets.Im currently ironing out the kinks in my patch sets that Im making for my marines.Ill be making them out of high quality stick on cotton material.each set should be enough to make 2 marines including blank name name tag will have USCM and the other will be blank so you can texta in the name you want.The reason being that the font that is used is custom and I dont have the time to draw it up(even for my own collection).So if there is interest in these patches pm me and ill know how many to make.
I've actually been working on several figures, though some are a little farther along than others. Right now, the ones closest to completion are Hicks, Drake, Vasquez, and Hudson. After that are Ripley, Bishop, and ???

My biggest problem is time, as in not having enough of it these days. It's the main reason my Marines aren't finished already. Progress has been slow, but I've been continually researching and updating my reference files, so that when I do get time to work on them, I already know exactly what I want to do and how to do it.

Reading this thread and enjoying the contributions of others also motivates me to work on completing my own figures. When I'm a little farther along I want to share some of my work and ideas in this thread with anyone who's interested. :D

Would like 2 see how they look right now.
Hope, that you can find some more time for your figures.
so you can use all your knowledge & reference files,.

I got the problem that i mostly come out at night, mostly.
No to B serious when i feel like doing something 2 pimp my figures
its mostly at night.
So, i realy need 2 plan things out a little more.
Cous, working with artificial light is not that great.
Would like 2 see how they look right now.
Hope, that you can find some more time for your figures.
so you can use all your knowledge & reference files,.

I got the problem that i mostly come out at night, mostly.
No to B serious when i feel like doing something 2 pimp my figures
its mostly at night.
So, i realy need 2 plan things out a little more.
Cous, working with artificial light is not that great.

I know what you mean. It's already 5:00 a.m. where I am right now! :lol After midnight is about the only time I have all to myself these days.

At the moment most of my Marines are parted out and in various stages of WIP. My work area was in need of a major clean up and I recently cleared out a space so I can hopefully get some work done in the near future. Not sure how far I'll get before my brief vacation is over, but I'll do my best to post some pics here when I have something ready to share.