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^^ Are those the same sculpts painted differently, or two separate sculpts? They look pretty similar IMO. Big improvement over the stock version, in any case.

Have you been updating all your Space Marines Kara?
Nah, I'm not hardcore enough, or good enough at customization, to do too much updating beyond some head swaps here and there. But I just picked up an Apone and, of course, the stock head is garbage. Now it's a debate over whether I go with the older custom sculpt with the cigar or the newer Snyder-Man one. I don't think you can go wrong either way, and the snarling cigar head seems to better capture the spirit of the character. The Snyder-Man head just seems a bit more refined and realistic, but has an expression that just doesn't scream "Apone" to me. Having said all that, it's hard to imagine which one is gonna look better with the gear on on the shelf.
karamazov80 said:
Anyone hear get the Snyder-Man Apone sculpt yet, and used it as a replacement? I'm considering picking one up myself, but would like to get an idea of how it would look on the Apone body before doing so. Thanks.
I've bought one and it's currently on the way. Will take some pics when it arrives. :)
Hi, guys! :)

Just started working with my USCM to bring some movie accurateness in them (gosh! it was pretty hard to buy them in 2010-2011 ><). So many THANKS goes to everybody who was posting in this thread. Special thanks goes to Wor-Gar, DBoz, Stendec & Hollis DZC for very useful tips and shots. It's much more easier to work with your tips that find everything by yourself. Thanks!

Now I just want to show you few paintjobs that Maximus Miniatures studio made for me. It's Vasq and Apone, original heads repainted. Also I'm planing them to paint for me Hicks from Xeno, Drake and Apone cigared angry ver.

And I'm using Sarah body for my Vasq:

Also, I would like to ask: does anyone has the Bishop's head original or cast for sale? The one from the original Sideshow's X-Files figure? It would be great to get it, I really don't want to buy the whole crappy figure for just one head. :\
And what jumpsuit that is in stock yet you can recommend to build up this character on the TT Advanced body?

Still I can't find out: does Hudson has the knife on his torso or not? I've watched movie on DVD for 10 times on rewind, but can't get it. It's always so dark and pixelized. :D

And now I should go on the E-Bay and get some knifes for Hicks and Hudson. :) Good night! Or day... whatever. :)
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The same headsculpt, 2 differentes paintworks. :wink1:
I thought so. Pretty cool stuff. That Ripley is decked out with the weaponry! :lol

I've bought one and it's currently on the way. Will take some pics when it arrives. :)
Thanks! I'll keep my eye out on this thread.

Now I just want to show you few paintjobs that Maximus Miniatures studio made for me.
Excellent repaints there, V! Is Maximus Miniatures a board member? I would love to get a repaint or two done by them.

BTW, Skiman is selling a painted Xenoviper head in the sale section:
2 karamazov80
Hello, bro! Yap, MM is a board member. They've got some fine Dr.P.Cox, Dr.House heads and James Bond. Awesome guys, highly recommended. BTW, the main paintjobs all made by girl named Valery.

Vasq is little bit pale, but we have to do it so the head color won't be different from the body's color.

BTW, Skiman is selling a painted Xenoviper head in the sale section:
Ooooo GOSH! I've already ordered one from Xeno and already payed. I will repaint it anyway, so it would be shame to wash out the master's paintjob. So I'll pass it through, I guess. But thanks anyway!
Hi, guys! :)

Just started working with my USCM to bring some movie accurateness in them (gosh! it was pretty hard to buy them in 2010-2011 ><). So many THANKS goes to everybody who was posting in this thread. Special thanks goes to Wor-Gar, DBoz, Stendec & Hollis DZC for very useful tips and shots. It's much more easier to work with your tips that find everything by yourself. Thanks!

Now I just want to show you few paintjobs that Maximus Miniatures studio made for me. It's Vasq and Apone, original heads repainted. Also I'm planing them to paint for me Hicks from Xeno, Drake and Apone cigared angry ver.

And I'm using Sarah body for my Vasq:

Also, I would like to ask: does anyone has the Bishop's head original or cast for sale? The one from the original Sideshow's X-Files figure? It would be great to get it, I really don't want to buy the whole crappy figure for just one head. :\
And what jumpsuit that is in stock yet you can recommend to build up this character on the TT Advanced body?

Still I can't find out: does Hudson has the knife on his torso or not? I've watched movie on DVD for 10 times on rewind, but can't get it. It's always so dark and pixelized. :D

And now I should go on the E-Bay and get some knifes for Hicks and Hudson. :) Good night! Or day... whatever. :)

That Vasquez looks really good now.
Still I can't find out: does Hudson has the knife on his torso or not? I've watched movie on DVD for 10 times on rewind, but can't get it. It's always so dark and pixelized. :D


maybe this is it.
Thanks, P.!

Also, this page could be useful to customize your Hudson. ;) Very nice shots of his armor (custom again, but pretty movie accurate, I guess).

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Thanks, P.!

Also, this page could be useful to customize your Hudson. ;) Very nice shots of his armor (custom again, but pretty movie accurate, I guess).
my hudson is already customised! i applied some steroids on him, and it really changed his look.


oh no, he's supposed to be an avp2 game marine and was posted here only as a joke. not interested in movie marines actually.
Check out post #7 HERE, guys. ;)
Step by step instruction for making correct Hudson's Bolo Knot.


Also, I decided that the easier way to do it - is to sculpt it by yourself. :) WIP (Milliput used):

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cool Hudson.
Except he never wore gloves.
He also had no side arm and had a gerber knife and pouch on the left side of his webbing.
And i always though that this sculpt was a much better likeness of Paxton than FML's version.
His expression just doesnt look right. But thats just my opinion
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Thanks, Dano, mate!
The work is still in progress, so don't be too critical. :) Those shots are to show eagle only. )))

Yap, I know about hands, knife on the necklace and lock-pick pouch, but it's to be done. I've red this thread very carefully from begging to the end. :) Bashing and customizing in Russia is pretty long deal, coz you have to wait 10-14 days for every small parts for your figure. Postal issue. ))) Right now I'm waiting for 2 pretty correct knives, for Hudson and Hicks.

I've got my Hudson from the second hands and already with FML head. It looks pretty OK for me yet, but I'll definitely will change it in future. I'm very interested how Darren's C. "Hudson project" will end up, really like his GAMEOVERMAN! expression. :)