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V-Raptor! Man alive, those are some excellent head repaints you got done!! Really brought the characters to life! The headband on Vaz....:clap

I like what you've done with your Hudson too- nice, nice job on sculpting the eagle! Something that usually none have on their Hudson.

Nice job also on adding the "E" to "Louis" to make it the accurate "Louise"!

Look forward to seeing more of your Marines!

I've just started work on a sci-fi bar set on a space station- owned and run by a certain Marine, who it turns out, survived the debacle on LV-426. Wrote a best selling memoirs of his ordeal and bought the station. It is called... Hudson's Hangout! Where sci-fi characters of all types gather to drink and have a good time!:hi5:
Thanks, Hollis DZC! Surly will post some more pic. of my USCM when the work on them will move further. Now, as I said, I'm waiting to get knives and Hicks head from Xeno. I guess the first complete figures would be Vasq and Hudson.

USCM RULES! But gooosh... how hard to get them these days. T_T
Fortunately... I'm a lucky bastard to get them all for... 1600$ with new bodies. X_X gooosh...

Where sci-fi characters of all types gather to drink and have a good time!
Huh! Sounds fammiliar to the Pixel Palace by Doug "Nostalgia Critic". ;)
Thanks, Hollis DZC! Surly will post some more pic. of my USCM when the work on them will move further. Now, as I said, I'm waiting to get knives and Hicks head from Xeno. I guess the first complete figures would be Vasq and Hudson.

USCM RULES! But gooosh... how hard to get them these days. T_T
Fortunately... I'm a lucky bastard to get them all for... 1600$ with new bodies. X_X gooosh...

Huh! Sounds fammiliar to the Pixel Palace by Doug "Nostalgia Critic". ;)

It is hard to get USCM today! On the 'bay, "alien killer" has some decent camo bdu's, PRs, flame units and 'bursters, but no armor as of yet. I think they may have MT's as well.

I'm not familar with Pixel Palace - what's it about?
A quick pic of the Snyder-man sculpt on my Apone figure. I am really pleased with both the sculpt and paint apps:


I gave him a Loading Toys cigar. :)
Will armour him up later when I have more time.
karamazov80 said:
...thanks for posting! Did you have to do some mods to get the cigar in that way?
You're welcome and yes, I used a scalpel to trim the mouth end of the cigar down until it fit, as I didn't want to modify the head at all. Then I repainted the trimmed part with acrylic and sealed with dullcote. I may use a little white pva glue to fix it, if I decide it's going to be a permanent fixture. (I think it probably will be). :)
vialli said:
I prefer the H2C Apone head. It is more accurate than Snyder IMO :). Anyway, I would like to see this head in a armored Apone body, with helmet :rotfl
No probs, I like the Hero Heads Apone sculpt as well, but think Snyder-man's looks better in hand. Will take some armoured and helmeted pics, but it probably won't be until the weekend. :)
Damn, that's a nice figure. Likeness is dead on. I'd love to build me an Colonial Marine collection one of these days but damn they're expensive.
Damn, that's a nice figure. Likeness is dead on. I'd love to build me an Colonial Marine collection one of these days but damn they're expensive.

Gotta' pick and choose. There's no more options to get all of them. We missed out bro, I managed to snag Hicks and a Vasquez, and that's it for me. Puff* is the only sound my wallet will ever make again...
Thanks, guys! I'm glad that you've enjoyed that. ^_^' And your #3 rate, vialli, is pretty hight. Cool. Too bad that I have no willing to make them light up into the shoulder lamps, just don't like all those light options, coz I never use them. :D

And I've got my Apone just today, and need some time to work with his armor. But he will be the second one complete USCM in my collection. Drake, Hicks and Hudson still has some stuff to change on them. :\

Proof! :D

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