1/6 Buying just ONE Iron Man - which one?

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I'm thinking about buying just one 1/6 Iron Man figure but the question is which one?

Duno what's harder to believe ... That they made that stupid cowboy stark or that people actually bought it
If you want to display it clean, in a HOA style pose... MkIII is iconic and it is from the movie that launched this wave.. If you want it looking a little used, in an action pose, go for the 43...
If you're serious about only one, you have to track down the VII.

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Mk IV would be my first choice but 45 seems like a good update if you don't want to go the aftermarket route
Funny but that's exactly the opposite of the way they are designed. The mk3 was designed and they admitted it was not proportioned correctly so to have an actual person in it. Avi stated it. The 43 is a more realistic suit.


wut? you know the mk 3 is one of the few suits to be worn head to toe by an actor, right?

wut? you know the mk 3 is one of the few suits to be worn head to toe by an actor, right?

I do remember reading somewhere re: the first couple of films (maybe) that they "didn't want it to look like a guy in a suit" and relied on suspension of disbelief to make it look more super-heroic, or something along those lines.

That being said, I'm sure you're correct about the suit being worn, LipSmack. I think they're referring more to the way the suit moved in action sequences and how it was designed and later animated.
I do remember reading somewhere re: the first couple of films (maybe) that they "didn't want it to look like a guy in a suit" and relied on suspension of disbelief to make it look more super-heroic, or something along those lines.

That being said, I'm sure you're correct about the suit being worn, LipSmack. I think they're referring more to the way the suit moved in action sequences and how it was designed and later animated.

yeah they did say they wanted narrow waists and broad shoulders, lots of CGI on just about every suit to make it work, but the mark 3 is the most realistic suit in regards to actually being worn by and actor, all suits after had no legs and barely any arm pieces.
yeah they did say they wanted narrow waists and broad shoulders, lots of CGI on just about every suit to make it work, but the mark 3 is the most realistic suit in regards to actually being worn by and actor, all suits after had no legs and barely any arm pieces.

Ah. Regardless, it's basically space-magic and we give it a pass because Iron Man. ;)

The main thing for me is internal consistency on proportions. A to-scale RDJ can't fit in the HT Mark IV, but nothing looks too out-of-whack on it taken as a whole. I really like the VII but the arms break my suspension of disbelief. I'm a nit-picking idiosyncratic weirdo though. Probably the one only one on these boards. :monkey3
The 45 looks awesome, but if I am just getting one I would like to get one that feels more classic so I prefer to have one with a good mix of red and gold. The only other one I am considering would be the Silver Centurion because of how much it reminds me of the comics- but If I do that it would be as a second Iron Man purchase, and like I said I am trying to buy just one. The 45 is way cool though, no doubt.

Yeah I hear you. If you want something more classic, the 45 isn't really it. The Mark III Diecast is the closest you're gonna get to classic. The 43 is nice, but the 44 is even more classic because of its color scheme. But the design of the 43/44 is not too classic.

I say go with the Mark III.....but if you're feeling adventurous, go for the Mark 44.
U can't go wrong with any. I've had almost every one of them and sold them all...Get the latest release and enjoy it in your collection and when something new comes that you prefer (and it will) you will likely either replace/upgrade or break this rule to add one or more armors to your collection. Too many of us started this way wanting one Iron Man but Hot Toys pumps these out every week...sometimes multiple a week...so as a result now lots of us look at our detolfs and Iron Man is packed with them. The overall quality keeps improving for the most part - in terms of articulation, materials, and proportions - not to mention the variations in designs can be pleasing depending on your own personal preference - so this is a difficult journey but alas if you're going to keep one - get the latest release.
out of all of them my favorite is the MKIV followed closely by the MKXLV with the MKXLIII coming in third