Got my droids today (and Chewbacca!)
I'm blown away. They are amazing. First of all, a question: Is C3PO's chest supposed to light up? It kind of looked like it did in the picture, but I don't see any way it would (not sure I remember it lighting up in the movie either, so maybe it just picked up the light in the pics?)
I spent quite a while trying to fit the restraining bolts inside of 3PO's head. LOL I thought they were his batteries! I eventually found the right ones, but even they were almost impossible to squeeze in.
You guys kept talking about how light these figures are, and I just don't see it. Mine feel quite weighty and real.
They're not statues, are they? R2 is fully pose-able and 3PO is only missing leg articulation. Maybe they should have been billed as quarter-scale figures?
Anyway, these 2 guys, and their Wookie friend, are centerpieces of my collection now. I'm really impressed and amazed. I can't believe I almost didn't swing them, and really glad I made it happen.