CAINE'S Custom Creations - Spawn movie WIP

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Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Dr. Weir WIP - CYCLOPS!!! - Savini sketch


Curly from American werewolf...I'm gonna have this guy up for sale in a few days for anyone interested :) thanks for looking!

that looks FANTASTIC caine :)
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

that looks FANTASTIC caine :)

Thank you sir!

I'm in for that beast of a sculpt. You make a horror fan happy. Off to 8 bit it goes. :rock

Great to hear! I'm really excited to put a full figur together. Found the outfit, Just gotta find the boots and work out a knife.

Looks fantastic! Any news on Jeff Goldblum?

Thank you! He's Still sitting on my shelf half done. One of the many projects I'll finish once I'm sculpting full time.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

I used to have a pretty good one but yours blows it out the water! Great work!
Definately want one. :clap
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Dr. Weir WIP - CYCLOPS!!! - Savini sketch


Curly from American werewolf...I'm gonna have this guy up for sale in a few days for anyone interested :) thanks for looking!

Not familar with the film Caine but this looks AMAZING!
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

Thank you sir!

Great to hear! I'm really excited to put a full figur together. Found the outfit, Just gotta find the boots and work out a knife.

Thank you! He's Still sitting on my shelf half done. One of the many projects I'll finish once I'm sculpting full time.

PM Sent on the knife and boots. Caine, you should really offer up some They Live stuff.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

dr. pepper stars in it - fantastic movie


American Werewolf in London is such a classic...great sculpt work Caine.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

PM Sent on the knife and boots. Caine, you should really offer up some They Live stuff.

Yes, agree 100% on this! I didn't get in on the set offered by Mr. Barlow and I have regretted it :monkey2
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

wow, you're a pepper too? :hi5::hi5::hi5:

I knew right away what you were talking about. :hi5:

PM Sent on the knife and boots. Caine, you should really offer up some They Live stuff.

Yes, agree 100% on this! I didn't get in on the set offered by Mr. Barlow and I have regretted it :monkey2

I agree with mmmmBrains & galactiboy....I would jump on They Live right away if it were offered.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

Awesome sculpt. Best werewolf movie ever, followed closely by the Howling. 1981 was a damn fine year for Werewolves.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

Appreciate all the kind words! I wouldn't mind doing a they live sculpt. I'll definitely put that on the to-do list!
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

Awesome sculpt. Best werewolf movie ever, followed closely by the Howling. 1981 was a damn fine year for Werewolves.

Agreed :rock I know a few people discussed making the werewolf in 1/6, but as far as I know nothing got past the interest stage. It would be a lot of work, but sure would be a badass piece and certainly something I imagine Caine would crush for the sculpts. We'd just need to figure out a good source for the fur and make a good bodysuit.


And while we're at it I'd love to see jack as well...


Appreciate all the kind words! I wouldn't mind doing a they live sculpt. I'll definitely put that on the to-do list!

Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

AWIL is up there on my favorite film list. I really enjoy horror films that can successfully incorporate drama and comedy, and that movie has a really great balance of everything plus amazing fx.

I would L O V E to have a full wolf figure. I think that might be a grail for me now that I think about it. I would definitely sculpt all the parts if someone had the knowhow to finish it off.

I want to do a jack sculpt too, throughout his decomposition.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

AWIL is up there on my favorite film list. I really enjoy horror films that can successfully incorporate drama and comedy, and that movie has a really great balance of everything plus amazing fx.

I would L O V E to have a full wolf figure. I think that might be a grail for me now that I think about it. I would definitely sculpt all the parts if someone had the knowhow to finish it off.

I want to do a jack sculpt too, throughout his decomposition.

You are speaking my language... I think the Wolf could be acomplished through extended limbs (sculpted by you), a fur suit and fur individually applied on the face and portions of the limbs. You could also attempt to apply hair all over, but generally that doesn't look as good.

I think Beto's Crate beast is a good example of how a suit can be done well and the suits like that are not too difficult even for a novice to sew together, I had to make a similar one for my Chewbacca custom.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly from American werewolf

Curly is really impressive.
Great work as always!
And while we're at it I'd love to see jack as well...


Jack would be ****ing awesome.

Unrelated,but this reminds me of another character that I'd love to see you do.
