CAINE'S Custom Creations - Spawn movie WIP

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Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Dr. Weir WIP - CYCLOPS!!! - Savini sketch


Curly from American werewolf...I'm gonna have this guy up for sale in a few days for anyone interested :) thanks for looking!

Wow! Great work bro! Spot on like a mutha! :clap
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

:lecture absolutely agreed, but man that chrome skull is going to rock my personal socks right off
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

:lecture absolutely agreed, but man that chrome skull is going to rock my personal socks right off

You and me both. :lecture Something I've been wanting FOREVER now. Cheers Caine!

Great work as always, you've really came a long way since you've joined here. Keep it up and you'll be sculpting for the major leagues in no time mane! You and 8bit should really team up on a few projects. :lecture
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

My brother and I have both commisoned Caine for headsculpts. He is getting better every sculpt and is going to be the next Trevor Grove! That Vic Mackey is one of your best sculpts to date! The likeness is uncanny bud. Keep it up
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the comments!

My brother and I have both commisoned Caine for headsculpts. He is getting better every sculpt and is going to be the next Trevor Grove! That Vic Mackey is one of your best sculpts to date! The likeness is uncanny bud. Keep it up

That's high praise! Thanks man!
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

I cant wait to paint that Vic head! Caine just entered the next level with that sculpt!
I think these pic show it off even better! Hope you dont mind me posting these...
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

For sure Caine's best human work yet! Those new pictures say volumes. Amazing!
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

I cant wait to paint that Vic head! Caine just entered the next level with that sculpt!
I think these pic show it off even better! Hope you dont mind me posting these...

agreed - fantastic likeness right there - new pics really show it off. especially the first grid square image - nice.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

Obviously, I can't wait to get this sculpt in hand..Caine worked his *** off to achieve this amazing likeness! I'm sure he got sick of me requesting revisions to it, but I think the finished sculpt is unbelivable! Thanks again to you, Caine for taking this on :yess::clap:hi5:
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

Thanks everyone! Rdeezy gave some great direction to help Mackey turn out to be one of my favorite and I think best sculpts.
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

Some great early work from Caine I just recieved for paintup.

Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

Looks very nice..I didn't know you painted as well ?
Re: CAINE'S Custom Creations - Curly AWIL - Michael Chiklis - chromeskull WIP

Thanks! I do, but I've not had much time to practice.