Super Freak
The campaign in this one is also so-so. Some of it is pretty easy, but there are some parts that are just so extremely ridiculous that it makes no sense.
For instance, there's one part where you're a sniper and you've just taken out some important bad guy and everyone is after you, so you come to this area where there's some buildings and some old cars around, there's like 5 guys coming from the right up ahead that duck behind the cars, then some guys that come later from the left, then some guys that come later just to the right, then three helicopters with like 5 guys each (and dogs) come up behind you, and all you've got is a sniper gun and a pistol, and if you don't quickly take out the guys and move on then they keep coming (hate that part of the game). And so I just kept on dying and dying until finally I just said screw it and got a trainer and cheated my way through it. And that was on normal difficulty.
And what annoys me the most is the dogs, if they jump on you and they're trying to bite your face off then it tells you to press the melee button to kill it, but many times I've done that (quickly) and my guy does nothing and just dies. It annoys the hell out of me.
Hmm, i've heard that the campaign is totally awesome. I'll give it a shot sometime this weekend. Thanks for the info