You play that on easy?
It's not a very hard game
You play that on easy?
which multiplayer is better this game or BF3?
I noticed there are a lot of ******* that play kill confirmed they just stare at the dog tags and im ____in screaming at them to capture them.
You play that on easy?
Kill confirmed is my favorite, seems like every time I play the other team never goes for the tags.
I'm finally glad I went to PC after all these years of my 360 getting RROD and my PS3 getting YLOD.
Not really, but it seemed like the thing to say.I hope I didn't just jinx myself.
I feel like the only one who's playing the campaign. Multiplayer is always going to be lame.
Anyway....this made me sad...HUGE SPOILERS
Soap! SOOOAAP! Why did you have to die! Damn you Makarov!
That whole scene was weird to me because Price was attacking the character I was, Yuri, and I was ____ing rooting for him too! Such a strange way to do things...Still. Like Dom...i'll miss ol' Soap. We had good times.
I feel like the only one who's playing the campaign.
I'm going to have to walk away from this games multiplayer. It's just too bad for my blood pressure. Between the tiny maps and high bullet damage with rage inducing lag that makes it seem like you're getting one shotted, Im done here. Going back to my friend BF3. At least there, I only hate my team mates. With MW3 it feels like the game itself hates me. Bye, MW3. I hardly knew ye.
Off Topic but I always say PC is the way to go for shooters!
YES ! mouse and keys for FPS is the way to go for me.
I am playing on ps3 because all my friends are playing on it.
The frag FX controler is kicking ass already.
Mouse Aim FTW.
OHH MAN ! kill confirm is so awosome.
That's a matter of preferences, not one is better than the other I'd say: if you like pure gun play then MW3 might be the best selection but if you want to kamikaze a tank with a jeep rigged with C4 and jump out the last minute then BF3 might be the best choice.
I'm going to have to walk away from this games multiplayer. It's just too bad for my blood pressure. Between the tiny maps and high bullet damage with rage inducing lag that makes it seem like you're getting one shotted, Im done here. Going back to my friend BF3. At least there, I only hate my team mates. With MW3 it feels like the game itself hates me. Bye, MW3. I hardly knew ye.