Due to all the China theaters in existence now I could see Avatar 2 being a blockbuster in terms of worldwide box office, but IMO it doesn't stand a chance of
defining this decade, particularly here in the U.S.. It's more of a curiosity now than anything - as in what could possibly be in it that it took Cameron 13 years to release the damn thing??

In today's fast-paced world of entertainment Avatar is already viewed as a relic from the past, so these attempts to breath new life into it isn't going to define anything for this generation of moviegoers. The decade is more likely to be defined by movies we haven't even heard about yet.
That is a fair point, but if he does manage to put out all 4 of them in the 20s, and if the box office is there, they will have an impact, at least on some level. Looking back on the 10s you had the MCU beginning and ending, more or less, but I can't think of anything that defined the decade in any way. I'm not really talking about leaving a cultural mark in the real world, the market is too big to allow even a single thing to dominate like that. But even as just being a defining part of the pop culture of that era. The 00s had the first X-Men and Spider-Man Trilogies. They had LotR and the PT which added new life to Star Wars and brought it back to the mainstream. You had PotC as a completely new IP, and it can be argued that the Matrix was part of the decade too with Iron Man coming in to close it. Moreover you had Shrek, which completely changed the animated film industry forever. And that's just in film. In tv you had the Sopranos, LOST and Mad Men. In videogames you had Halo, God Of War, Gears Of War, Modern Warfare, Counter Strike and MGS. All of those things had a genuine impact on their respective fields.
I struggle to think of anything in the 10s that had the same weight. There was the MCU, there were more sequels, and we got the ST, but did all these things really leave anything behind? The MCU is a continuous thing. There hasn't been a videogame franchise spawned in that era that still echoes today. The ST didn't really do anything for the SW brand. Post-PT you had games coming out every year. Thus far we've had on Jedi game and some dissapointing Battlefront ones. Most big IPs keep going. But is there really anything that jumps out? I'd say Kony or Gangnam Style had more of an impact than any of the passing fads. The last thing that had any presence, and I would say ultimately dominated the 10s, would be GoT. Like you said, there's too much entertainment out there for anything at all to really have a lasting presence.
As for Avatar, I don't know. It is a new and overtly ambitious IP. People might get tired of the MCU until 2023, as they're fed mediocre shows and films about Z-Listers like Shang-Chi and the Eternals. A wondrous Cameron Sci-Fi franchise with top tier CGI and passion put into it might just be what they need. This is just my speculation talking, but if Avatar succeeds, I think Marvel will take notes and when they introduce the Mutants, they'll try to copy Pandora's lush environments and go with the Krakoa status quo instead of the classic one.
We'll see. But personally I'm looking forward to it. I can't get "hyped" anymore, but I am genuinely somewhat interested and that's more than I can say for most pop culture these days.
Yeah some wolf movie made like a billion dollars in China alone a few years back and it didn't define anything for the rest of the world, lol.
Wolf Warrior 2 was specifically political and nationalist propaganda. Literal "China Master Race" Tier.
China is its own market and beast. We're part of the West, so when I'm talking about impact I'm talking about our markets. I still think Avatar has a chance of making a splash, but we'll see.