Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier (SPOILERS)

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Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

There's red stripes like in the comic (looks like they even extend thro torso to his arms) you just can't see 'em on that last concept art.



Oh okay, yeah I didn't notice that.

Still, I think maybe adding red to that middle line in the center of his abs would be cool.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Admittedly i'm not a fan of movie BW, but they don't go well together imo, he is the old fashioned goody goody guy and she's the *** kicker modernist woman
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier


Ugh... everytime I see set photos I get irritated Emily VanCamp isn't in them. I hope she has a good role in this movie. When she was cast they said she was the female lead.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I would venture to say that kiss is some kind of "quick kiss me, so the target doesn't notice us." scene.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Admittedly i'm not a fan of movie BW, but they don't go well together imo, he is the old fashioned goody goody guy and she's the *** kicker modernist woman
You must not have read many of the Cap comics. With women like Bernie Rosenthal and Sharon Carter, Cap has usually gone after modern women, who sometimes are ***-kickers. But it makes sense as a storytelling device, because it helps to play up the thing about Cap that makes him most compelling--he has to deal with a time and context that is very different from his original comfort zone.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I would venture to say that kiss is some kind of "quick kiss me, so the target doesn't notice us." scene.

I was actually thinking a similar thing, much like in Casino Royale when Bond grabs Vespa as Obanno and his henchman walk past
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Just please let Cap 2 and Thor 2 be better than IM3.

Cap is already doing fighting w/o his costume on, first it was the mask had to come, now the trend will be their entire costume like in IM3. :lol

Pretty soon all Superhero movies will just be everyone in jeans. :lol
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Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I thought IM3 was fine personally. If these other films are at the level of the first installments, then I won't complain. I think there is room for improvement in both cases though.