Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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I would choose for my teams...

Cap / Winter Soldier / Agent 13 (or Scarlet Witch if she's not made)
Iron Man / Black Panther / Black Widow
I would choose for my teams...

Cap / Winter Soldier / Agent 13 (or Scarlet Witch if she's not made)
Iron Man / Black Panther / Black Widow

Being an old Mego collector from way back, I don't set my figure displays up that way. I don't try to recreate movie stories; I make up my own stories with my displays. Right now I have four bookshelves devoted to Hot Toys:

1. Avengers: Cap, Iron Man (mark 33), Thor, Spider-Man (ASM2), Black Widow, and Superman (Christopher Reeve head on a Cavill body and outfit.) I'll be adding Ant-Man and Civil War Scarlet Witch to that set as soon as I have them.

2. Bad Guys: Hulk (always was a bad guy when he was one of my Megos), Iron Monger, Red Skull, Winter Soldier. The bad guy shelf needs more bad guys. Ultron and Yellowjacket will be added soon I hope.

3. Batman: Returns Batman, Hit-Girl custom (she's his Robin), Ledger Joker, Scarecrow custom, hopefully I'll be able to add a Pfeiffer Catwoman some day, and maybe even a Penguin. I'd even take an Uma Thurman Poison Ivy if someone made one. But not a Jim Carrey Riddler.

4. Cap's Secret Avengers: not the Civil War team. Cap's secret team in my collection consists of Stealth Cap, War Machine, Ghost Rider, Groot and Rocket. Planning on adding Falcon, Wonder Woman, and Doctor Strange eventually. Might add a Tobey Maguire symbiote Spider-Man too.

As for the Civil War movie, it looks like I'll be picking up Scarlet Witch, Crossbones, and Falcon. I don't generally buy more than one version of a character.

I for one prefer the new suit over the old... I never watch power rangers so maybe that's why I don't mind.
Don't worry, I've been watchin' PR since childhood and still prefer this suit over the one from his solo film.
I for one prefer the new suit over the old... I never watch power rangers so maybe that's why I don't mind.
Thank you! I'm loving the **** too!

Don't worry, I've been watchin' PR since childhood and still prefer this suit over the one from his solo film.


I'm a fan too, I'm just wondering what PRs Ant-Man looks like cause I don't see it at all :lol
Don't worry, I've been watchin' PR since childhood and still prefer this suit over the one from his solo film.

I like them both alot, I prefer the solo film personally though, I think its something about the retro look of the suit being 1980's technology... Looking forward to seeing the new suit on screen (and never know it may change my mind).

Which PR was your favourite? For me it would still be Mighty Morphin.
I didn't want to get too bogged down with making sigs but I have those character pics from this week available so if anyone wants a sig that looks like this:


I can make you one with the other Cap or Iron Man team characters. One per user, make a post in this thread and state your chosen character. First come first serve. :)