Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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Black Widow is going up as a web exclusive.

Happy to see that S.H Figuarts is still going to do figures from Age of Ultron. Kinda hope we can get her in the U.S and maybe we will get Scarlet Witch still. :pray:
I didn't like much from AoU but I thought the way Whedon handled Natasha was the worst aspect of the film.

I didn't care for Hawkeye's family either. Jeremy Renner recently said at some convention that he didn't know WTF they gave him a family for and said something to extent of to Blame Joss. :lol

I agree so much with this. Apparently he fought the production to keep the farm scene in loo of cutting the longer Thor's vision scene. I understand that he was trying to bring a real world outlook on them with the farm, but I feel it was a redundant attempt seeing as it was already accomplished with the party scene. Also, with Romonov that whole bit really took away from the mystery of her background.
Happy to see that S.H Figuarts is still going to do figures from Age of Ultron. Kinda hope we can get her in the U.S and maybe we will get Scarlet Witch still. :pray:

I'd definitely take one over Sharon Carter. I hope they do her but I'm not hopeful. :(
I have a different view of the romance between Widow/Banner in Ultron. I never read the comics, but know who they all are, so I don't know if it's out of character or not. I look at the romance this way:
Natasha is normal. Highly skilled, but normal. The closest person she could fall for is Hawkeye, but he's married. Who does that leave? Cap? No. Enhanced physiology and not ready for romance. For him, Peggy was still way too recent. Tony? Nope. Normal human without the suit, but narcissistic and with Pepper. Thor? Nope. Godlike and loves Jane. Then there's Bruce Banner. He's a lot like her as she described. They're both, "damaged" people. She was raised as an assassin, (non emotional) and rendered unable to have children. Now here she is, the spy life is mostly gone, she's an Avenger now, she has friends and colleagues, so she's lowered her guard a little. She likes the quiet strength of Banner. Like she said, the only guy who walks away from the fight is the guy who KNOWS he'll win it. She finds that an attractive quality. Now she knows, with a bit more certainty than the previous version of her life, she can open up and feel safe. She has a "regular" job that while at times is more extreme, it's still closer to a normal life than she's ever known. She can be herself. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone else. She's somewhat freer now. I see the romance as a natural response to that new found freedom and security. She's becoming more human again. Banner just won't let it happen because of his Hulk side. He fears for her safety in that regard. I saw the romance not as a slow point, but as an evolution of a character regaining some of her humanity and allowing herself to have actual feelings.
I have a different view of the romance between Widow/Banner in Ultron. I never read the comics, but know who they all are, so I don't know if it's out of character or not. I look at the romance this way:
Natasha is normal. Highly skilled, but normal. The closest person she could fall for is Hawkeye, but he's married. Who does that leave? Cap? No. Enhanced physiology and not ready for romance. For him, Peggy was still way too recent. Tony? Nope. Normal human without the suit, but narcissistic and with Pepper. Thor? Nope. Godlike and loves Jane. Then there's Bruce Banner. He's a lot like her as she described. They're both, "damaged" people. She was raised as an assassin, (non emotional) and rendered unable to have children. Now here she is, the spy life is mostly gone, she's an Avenger now, she has friends and colleagues, so she's lowered her guard a little. She likes the quiet strength of Banner. Like she said, the only guy who walks away from the fight is the guy who KNOWS he'll win it. She finds that an attractive quality. Now she knows, with a bit more certainty than the previous version of her life, she can open up and feel safe. She has a "regular" job that while at times is more extreme, it's still closer to a normal life than she's ever known. She can be herself. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone else. She's somewhat freer now. I see the romance as a natural response to that new found freedom and security. She's becoming more human again. Banner just won't let it happen because of his Hulk side. He fears for her safety in that regard. I saw the romance not as a slow point, but as an evolution of a character regaining some of her humanity and allowing herself to have actual feelings.

That's an interesting way of looking at it. All good points.
I have a different view of the romance between Widow/Banner in Ultron. I never read the comics, but know who they all are, so I don't know if it's out of character or not. I look at the romance this way:
Natasha is normal. Highly skilled, but normal. The closest person she could fall for is Hawkeye, but he's married. Who does that leave? Cap? No. Enhanced physiology and not ready for romance. For him, Peggy was still way too recent. Tony? Nope. Normal human without the suit, but narcissistic and with Pepper. Thor? Nope. Godlike and loves Jane. Then there's Bruce Banner. He's a lot like her as she described. They're both, "damaged" people. She was raised as an assassin, (non emotional) and rendered unable to have children. Now here she is, the spy life is mostly gone, she's an Avenger now, she has friends and colleagues, so she's lowered her guard a little. She likes the quiet strength of Banner. Like she said, the only guy who walks away from the fight is the guy who KNOWS he'll win it. She finds that an attractive quality. Now she knows, with a bit more certainty than the previous version of her life, she can open up and feel safe. She has a "regular" job that while at times is more extreme, it's still closer to a normal life than she's ever known. She can be herself. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone else. She's somewhat freer now. I see the romance as a natural response to that new found freedom and security. She's becoming more human again. Banner just won't let it happen because of his Hulk side. He fears for her safety in that regard. I saw the romance not as a slow point, but as an evolution of a character regaining some of her humanity and allowing herself to have actual feelings.

Well, that's an optimistic way of looking at it. But still, it doesnt help at all that it looked forced.
There were some examples where two actors didnt even get along on the set, but executed their romance well on film that made the romance believable.
The problem with this romance is that not only everyone is aware that it seems like their romance is forced, but even the actors themselves
had no romantic chemistry and it shows.
It was cringy...absolutely...cringy to try to watch. Like two actors pretending hard to look like they're in love but delivering horribly.

Scarlet was on top of her game in Winter soldier movie. If anything, the sexual tension between her and Evans were more believable and would have been better to carry over to AOU. Then in the end, both realized it wont work...insert Agent 13 in Cap 3.

The thing is, both Scarlet and Ruffalo had NO romantic chemistry and it shows. Absolutely cringeworthy...I cant bear to watch it whenever I pop in the bluray.
Always have to fast forward their scenes.
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I concur. Still doesn't change the fact it felt forced. Like I've stated before, I wouldn't have minded as much if she was merely flirting with Banner the way she was at Stark's party, but the talk of children and settling down made it sound like they had been in a committed relationship for 3+ years already.

It by no means ruined the film for me though, because it didn't harm nor help the story at all. It was just simply there, but felt like it didn't need to be.
I had no problem with it, still really enjoyed the film. Like Silverstar said it was simple there but could have been left out easily.
You are probably never ever gonna get Scarlett Johansson to do a TV show. She's the second highest paid actor in the whole MCU.

I agree, but there is hope--Netflix just announced a 10-episode comedy series starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill. Those two certainly don't need to be doing television, but there they are. If the project is right, sometimes A-list actors will sign on without having to be paid blockbuster movie money.



<cough>Kevin Spacey</cough>

Kevin Spacey wasn't really A-list anymore when he he was hired to do House of Cards. He was very big in the 90's, but I doubt he was getting paid Scarjo money anymore.
I concur. Still doesn't change the fact it felt forced. Like I've stated before, I wouldn't have minded as much if she was merely flirting with Banner the way she was at Stark's party, but the talk of children and settling down made it sound like they had been in a committed relationship for 3+ years already.

It by no means ruined the film for me though, because it didn't harm nor help the story at all. It was just simply there, but felt like it didn't need to be.

:goodpost: Completely agree! :)
Yeah, count me as someone else who thought Whedon's version of Black Widow in Age of Ultron was a giant step backward for the character after the great work the Russos did with her in Winter Soldier. Well, now the Russos have her all to themselves so maybe we can all just ignore what Whedon did with her going forward.

I completely agree that BW took a step backwards in AoU, but I thought some of her interaction with Cap in WS was a step backwards from Avengers 1.

It's funny how people forget about the first Avengers movie (kryptonianmutie remembers though). Black Widow in AoU was a step back, but she was written pretty well in the first Avengers movie, which I'd argue laid the foundation for TWS.

Also, Scarlett has praised Joss's writing of Black Widow and even wanted him to direct a solo movie (if it ever happens).

I was not a fan of Hawkeyes family from the ultimate verse, like, at all. XD part of me kinda hopes that Nat murders them just like she did in that verse so Clint can just get with Bobbi. XD

But yeah the the whole Nat/Bruce problem was totally cause it was what Joss wanted. That's what you get when Disney let him direct AND write the movie by himself. Should've just followed the Avengers plan and let Zak Penn write with Joss polish it up. That's why he was so damn exhausted by the end of it. But ah well, what's done is done.

Zak Penn got story credit only because the final script contained story beats from his draft (which ultimately came from Feige/Marvel). Joss trashed the original script and started from scratch, so it wasn't too different with AoU (except maybe less editorial control).

I have a different view of the romance between Widow/Banner in Ultron. I never read the comics, but know who they all are, so I don't know if it's out of character or not. I look at the romance this way:
Natasha is normal. Highly skilled, but normal. The closest person she could fall for is Hawkeye, but he's married. Who does that leave? Cap? No. Enhanced physiology and not ready for romance. For him, Peggy was still way too recent. Tony? Nope. Normal human without the suit, but narcissistic and with Pepper. Thor? Nope. Godlike and loves Jane. Then there's Bruce Banner. He's a lot like her as she described. They're both, "damaged" people. She was raised as an assassin, (non emotional) and rendered unable to have children. Now here she is, the spy life is mostly gone, she's an Avenger now, she has friends and colleagues, so she's lowered her guard a little. She likes the quiet strength of Banner. Like she said, the only guy who walks away from the fight is the guy who KNOWS he'll win it. She finds that an attractive quality. Now she knows, with a bit more certainty than the previous version of her life, she can open up and feel safe. She has a "regular" job that while at times is more extreme, it's still closer to a normal life than she's ever known. She can be herself. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone else. She's somewhat freer now. I see the romance as a natural response to that new found freedom and security. She's becoming more human again. Banner just won't let it happen because of his Hulk side. He fears for her safety in that regard. I saw the romance not as a slow point, but as an evolution of a character regaining some of her humanity and allowing herself to have actual feelings.

I think that's the best explanation for the romance I've seen yet. It wasn't executed well (i.e., chemistry), but Joss was going for Black Widow reclaiming her humanity (through a family she could no longer have). In terms of optics, it was bad (for Joss, of all people) to have the lone female on the team pursuing a romantic relationship with another character. But I think the point is that she's certainly earned it from what we've seen of her in previous films. It's not like she existed only as a romantic interest (which is my concern about Sharon Carter in CW... I want to see her developed as a character before she gets paired off with Cap).