Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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anyone knows if captain actually use this eye piece in civil war. is it a spoiler??

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He uses it along with his missile launching shield.

Yeah i doubt it's any kind of spoiler. They have done something like that for nearly every film cap has been in.
jonah hill cant act a lick,he is just awful.makes me cringe,just plain got the point i guess ;-)
I agree, but there is hope--Netflix just announced a 10-episode comedy series starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill. Those two certainly don't need to be doing television, but there they are. If the project is right, sometimes A-list actors will sign on without having to be paid blockbuster movie money.
jonah hill cant act a lick,he is just awful.

You're missing the point. He was trying to argue that since Hill is a popular A-list actor and two time Oscar nominee and is still doing a Netflix show, that there is less of a stigma against famous people doing TV now than there once was.
Call him B+ list if you want, he's worked with Martin Scorcese, Brad Pitt, and Leonardo Dicario, he's been nominated for academy awards, he makes good money, he's always working, and he absolutely does not need to do a Netflix show. And yet he is. So I'm still hoping Scarlett would consider one if Marvel greenlit a Black Widow show.
Those pics really makes me want a new Cap. The last one I bought was Avengers Cap.
I'm on the hook for sure for at least one Cap (scale mail depending on how it looks/if they use it), the new Falcon (I'll sell the old one), and Scarlet Witch to finish off my new Avengers (I already have AOU Vision and War Machine). I'll probably end up getting BW, Agent 13 (if they make one), and Spidey (going against my own rule of not buying "first versions" of figures). Ugh...hitting the wallet hard on this one! But they look awesome!
So... What's left to be announced?

- Iron Man 1/6 MMS and 1/4 Scale
- Cap 1/4 ( I think will be a surprise )
- Falcon
- Scarlet Witch
- Black Widow
- Black Panther
- Spidey
- Crossbones
- Vison,suit it's the same( correct me if I'm wrong pls). No need for a newer version IMO.
- Ant Man

has there been official talk about a 1/4 Captain? that would be awesome!
Do you think now that we've had another Team Cap figure announced that HT is just going to announce the rest of Team Cap, and then do Team Iron Man?

Hopefully Scarlet Witch is next :pray:
I think they are going to announce the Avengers Scarlet Witch before Civil War... Civil War version may not even happen. I hope they do it though cause I like it better than the Avengers version.
I think they are going to announce the Avengers Scarlet Witch before Civil War... Civil War version may not even happen. I hope they do it though cause I like it better than the Avengers version.

Tbh I'll be buying both regardless, so either or is fine with me :p
Do you think now that we've had another Team Cap figure announced that HT is just going to announce the rest of Team Cap, and then do Team Iron Man?

Hopefully Scarlet Witch is next :pray:

No idea what they're doing at this point, it's somewhat capricious now. They started out releasing two Team IM figures, then have been all Team Cap since.
It's more about what gets done first in the production and approval side then any specific release order.
Do you think now that we've had another Team Cap figure announced that HT is just going to announce the rest of Team Cap, and then do Team Iron Man?

Hopefully Scarlet Witch is next :pray:

I think they are going to announce the Avengers Scarlet Witch before Civil War... Civil War version may not even happen. I hope they do it though cause I like it better than the Avengers version.

Tbh I'll be buying both regardless, so either or is fine with me :p

I'd like to see the New Avengers SW before the CW one, just because it was shown already. I just hope that they are making that one, and didn't just make that hoping it would be her outfit in CW too. I mean they had it in the CW case so that could be it and there will be no NASW :dunno :/
I'd like to see the New Avengers SW before the CW one, just because it was shown already. I just hope that they are making that one, and didn't just make that hoping it would be her outfit in CW too. I mean they had it in the CW case so that could be it and there will be no NASW :dunno :/

Yeah, I hope we get both! I did notice that I think it must be Hasbro that makes the action figures? They've used her NA outfit for their Civil War line too. I guess we'll see. Hopefully they recognise there's a market for both =/
Yeah, I hope we get both! I did notice that I think it must be Hasbro that makes the action figures? They've used her NA outfit for their Civil War line too. I guess we'll see. Hopefully they recognise there's a market for both =/

I hope so too :pray:
The NA outfit is fantastic and the SW we want :lol