Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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So after seeing Ant-Man yesterday, my brother and I got to talking just how many figures we thought HT would release for Civil War, and what characters.

For certain:

-Captain America
-Iron Man
-Spider-Man (being that it's his debut)
-Black Widow
-Bucky/Winter Soldier

Strong possibility that can go either way:

-Scarlet Witch
-War Machine
-Black Panther

What do you guys think? Any additions, substractions, or swaps on that list? I also think there will be maybe two figures from this line that will be exclusive versions.

I'd say Vision, Ant Man, War Machine, Black Panther and Scarlet Witch would be for certain too.

I don't think we will get a Crossbones, Sharon Carter or Baron Zemo but I hope we do. I would take those three over a new black Widow, Hawkeye or recycled figure.
I don't think we will get a Crossbones, Sharon Carter or Baron Zemo but I hope we do. I would take those three over a new black Widow, Hawkeye or recycled figure.

I agree, told myself I'm not getting another Hawkeye or Widow till A3.

I'll be getting Cap, IM, Falcon, maybe WM if he has any drastic changes, Giant Man, Spidey, and Black Panther.

Oy... That's close to $1400...
The only ones I think I'd get for sure from this film are Cap, Iron Man, Black Widow, Falcon (passed on the WS Falcon being that he was fledgling and I wanted to wait for a Falcon figure when he was more involved into his character/role) and probably a Winter Soldier.

Basically figures of the most main characters and/or my favorites. The rest I have represented in the AoU line and can wait for the Infinity Wars line. The Ant-Man figure from the Ant-Man movie that's currently out is scheduled to release I think around the time Civil War comes out, so there's no need to receive one and then immediately order another one.

Then again, maybe there is a need to. Never know when you might get an itchy finger for something you previously said you'd pass on. :)
At this point I would just say I'm interested in Cap and Iron Man and perhaps civilian versions of Steve and Tony if they were made. I would have to see the movie to decide on the rest regarding how big a part they would play in the film.

I think I would say no to a War Machine though, considering he should be used a lot more in the Infinity War films.

Would also likely pass on SW, Vision and Ant-Man because I'm looking to get the first versions of them.

Falcon may have quite a big role in this considering it is a Captain America film, so it could be a good figure to get, though it would depend on the costume.

Black Panther and Spider-Man will be interesting to see, but I may just wait for IW for them.

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At this point in time, im pretty damn sure I'll be getting Steve and Sam. As much as I like AOU Steve, I'm actually glad we something even more akin to a more classic/modern....oxymoron I know; version of the Cap suit. None of that extra red. The only thing that we haven't seen yet is the scale mail. And all the new red on Sam looks fantastic so I'll get that. Another fig I'm damn sure to get will be Black Panther. No way I'm missing out on that.

Natasha will be a huge maybe. If they finally give her a costume that looks more like my modded comic book version, I'm definitely in for that, if not I'll buy the headsculpt since her hair in this film is hands down the closest we'll get to her comic look. That curly **** in IM2 does not count.

Wanda, Wanda, Wanda...hopefully we get the suit we get at the end of AOU there. But if they improve on it, that'd be nice too.

Don't need another War Machine.

If Scott upgrades to Giant Man and has more of a Giant Man look to him, then I won't be getting him. Scott is Ant-Man to me and always will be. I don't think he's ever been Giant Man in the comics either. It's always been Hank. But if he gets an upgraded ANT-MAN suit that I like, that'd be awesome.

If they improve on Vision that'd be cool.

Crossbones is a definite buy for me and I seriously hope that Baron Zemo looks just as good, if not better.
I like that well gave seen the modern Ant-Man suit by the time the Ant-Man figure comes out. That'll be the deciding factor on whether or not I keep that figure. One things for sure though, I Hope we see Wasp in action too.
Crossbones is a sure thing. Way too easy for HT to crank out, probably the first figure they put up.

It may be easy. May get made.(I think it will) But not close to the easiest and I doubt the first. Figures like Cap and IM and falcon and WS are repaints more or less. I would expect those before crossbones.

There's a few I'm really looking forward to. black panther probably the top. Spider-Man next. Then it depends on the look which ones I buy. Well which ones I buy first anyway. As I'll probably buy them all anyway. this basically the same outfit at the end of TWS? Cause I'd actually love to get another Steve. XD or just build one.


Yeah, it looks like it pretty much. I only say "pretty much" because it could just be me, but his t-shirt in the above images seems to be slightly a bit more grey than the shirt he has on in the end scene for TWS. If not, then I'd say it's the same outfit.

The pics above also look like the outfit he had on in the post credits scene in Ant-Man, sans the brown jacket.

The figure/outfit would be pretty easy to replicate. Just essentially purchase another civvy Steve from the TWS dual pack and put a light grey shirt on him as well as a brown jacket, instead of the white shirt and blue jacket that the figure comes with.
Ah, so it wasn't just me then. His t-shirt at the end of TWS looked whiter than the tee in the above pictures. Didn't notice the difference in the jacket though. Good eye.
YES:rock There's no doubt there'll be a costumed Black Panther figure from this movie. Now we don't have to wait until 2019 for a BP figure.

YES:rock There's no doubt there'll be a costumed Black Panther figure from this movie. Now we don't have to wait until 2019 for a BP figure.


WS will have a civi and not cover up the hand? kinda cool, cant wait for a new figure of him, hope he suits up though
Will be getting Panther and Crossbones for sure. Since I'm a Cap guy, might have to get IM in this one to go with him. Tough call on getting Cap since he's so similar to AOU. Not sure what Spidey costume will be in it, but can't wait for an MCU version to get.