Super Freak
Weren't reviews supposed to come out already for this?
TWS was a political thriller. GotG was a sci-fi comedy. Ant-Man was a heist film. TFA was a period piece/action-adventure. The light-hearted theme may carry out in most, but they're not all the same, tonally and thematically. Besides, Iron Man 1, TWS and GotG were great, so I don't see the problem. CW is far more brutal, even according to the leaked spoilers.
While they are different in setting, all these movies have a very similar feel. In terms of a light plot with a lame bad guy and good actions scenes and about a 2 hour runtime. Also the visuals are never distinct along with the movie scores. (Guardians of the galaxy has a colorful look and good soundtrack so that gets a pass) They just feel a dime a dozen. I'm always trying to pin point what the problem is with the similarities, but its hard to do (so I'm probably wrong.) Just as an example, I think calling winter soldier a political thriller is a huge stretch (its more like a well done gi joe movie). And ant-man a heist movie? I can see how it almost was a heist movie, but it falls more in the general superhero genre. From my personal preference my biggest gripe is the scores and villains, just overall boring. My biggest fear is that spider-man joins the club and becomes a total drag
While they are different in setting, all these movies have a very similar feel. In terms of a light plot with a lame bad guy and good actions scenes and about a 2 hour runtime. Also the visuals are never distinct along with the movie scores. (Guardians of the galaxy has a colorful look and good soundtrack so that gets a pass) They just feel a dime a dozen. I'm always trying to pin point what the problem is with the similarities, but its hard to do (so I'm probably wrong.) Just as an example, I think calling winter soldier a political thriller is a huge stretch (its more like a well done gi joe movie). And ant-man a heist movie? I can see how it almost was a heist movie, but it falls more in the general superhero genre. From my personal preference my biggest gripe is the scores and villains, just overall boring. My biggest fear is that spider-man joins the club and becomes a total drag
GOTG bucked the trend I agree- it was fresh and different from the MCU- i'm saying even if CW is good it has predictable story beats, fight beats, music beats, dialogue beats..oh well too hard to put in words right now sorry
-TWS: Cap goes against the global organization he thought he could trust, as he uncovers a conspiracy that's been building up since the 40s. Maybe political thriller is not the correct term, more like an espionage thriller.
-AntMan: The whole movie is about stealing a suit, I don't see why it's not a heist movie. I mean, they assemble the group, they plan their attack, the come up with a plan, they infiltrate the building, it sounds exactly like a heist movie to me. Sure, there's a big showdown at the end, but it's a super-hero movie, what did you expect?
Pretty much all super-hero movies, be they Marvel, DC or whatever, will fall on the "super-hero" genre, no matter if the story is different. There'll always be a bad guy, a big showdown, all that. BvS had a big showdown, MoS had a big showdown, even First Class had a big showdown and that was clearly a period piece with super-heroes.
Sure, comic book movies can break the mold. If you were to adapt East of West, Nailbitter or Black Science they'd not be super-hero movies, but everything that has to do with, well, "superheroes", will be classified as a "super-hero" movie. Doctor Strange will be a fantasy flick with horror-elements though, so there's some diversity.
I for sure see the overall layout of both ant-man and winter soldier being those sub-genres, but they took those super cool sub genres and diluted them as much as possible into a general superhero movies. I mean I eat-up espionage thrillers, I could read those books, comics, watch tv shows and never get tired of it and winter-soldier doesn't do it at all. A plot with super sexy black widow, capt, and an assassin with a metal arm should not have turned out as ... boring as it did. (I do like winter soldier in general, its just not the miracle most people think it is and I think it fits directly into the cookie cutter mcu movies albeit a little more edgy). And ant-man ! What a missed opportunity. If they went full heist movie we would have had a game changer (If I recall they had some problems with writers and production)
Again, that's your opinion. It's as valid as mine or anyone else's, but I have to respectfully, but completely, disagree. If you analyze them, all Marvel and DC movies will come across as super-hero movies. TWS was more of an espionage thriller than BvS was social commentary for example.
I'll find out Thursday
A reviewer estimates Parker has 10min of screen time and Spidey has 20min.
A reviewer estimates Parker has 10min of screen time and Spidey has 20min.